Friday, April 30, 2010

High School Reunion - 三誠

Day Out - April 30

  •  Sonogram came back with no specific abnormalty
  • She will undergo colonoscopy and tumor survey
  • She will partake a 12 treatment radiation in about 2 weeks

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Eileen and her aide - 藹玲和她的看護 - 李素芳

Dr. Hsu and his team make a round this morning. Eileen will be off her close wound and urinary drainage ducts (引流管和尿管)today. Eileen is advised to get off bed to walk to resume
Her MRI comes back good. All tumor markers CEA, AFP, CA-125, CA-19-9 and CA-153 come back normal. He has yet to read her abdomen ultrasound from yesterday. As for the radiation treatment of her brain, it needs to wait until her stiches are removed.
Another battle is calling...




Look who is here...

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

April 28th (Wed.)

AM - Eileen had her post-surgery MRI and an abdomen sonogram (ultrasound) in the morning.
Her sister-in-law cooked her fish soup and she finished up everything to the last drop.
Hospital Christian Caring Ministry stopped by to pray with us. Then came Frank and Jesper's moms and Andy's dad from 10th grade. How kind is their act. 
醫院關懷事工的姐妹前後來探視過兩次,與我們一起唱詩歌和禱告。十年級,Frank 和 Jesper 的媽媽,Andy的爸爸也專程來探訪, 聊得很開心。
She likes the 24hr aide, Ms. Lee. She is an experienced and kind person. Only that Eileen was combarded by snoring from both side last night and she had to ask for earplugs, a minor inconvenience.
With the hiring of the aide, it gives Michael much needed break, whose load is much lightened up and he may go back to Hsinchu tomorrow night to check out the boys. 





7:00  24小時的看護已經請到,看護的個性很好相處,感謝神。接下來的日子,有許多需要她的協助, 也求神保守,相處愉快。

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

April 27th - Out of ICU, Into Regular Ward

Today is another day. For breakfast, Eileen eats a poached egg and two delicious buns with custard filling, and then cleans her lunch box like she always does before. She is back to being herself, always with good appetite. She needs this for a speedy recovery.

11:00 AM - One hour visitation with family, she recounts her experience of last night. Everything is so tranquil that she feels she is in paradise or a green pasture by the water. “Comfortable” is another word she uses.

She reclines on her bed, semi erect. She voice recovers a lot more and talks more.

She will be transferred to a regular neurosurgical ward at 2:00 pm today, according to Dr. Hsu. The surgery is a successful one since Dr. Hsu and the team do a good job ridding off the solid tumor as whole. A follow-up MRI will confirm this. Yet we’re told this is not a primary brain tumor, rather one infiltrates from other part of her body outside the brain. It’s a malign one for sure. Never a dull moment, Ah-ha!

2:00 PM - Soon she will undergo a battery of tests, first ultrasound, then followed with CT scan when the tumor origin is identified. At the same time, radiation treatment of her brain will be administered soon lest the lesion spreads already, pretty much nipping in the bud The silver lining of this not being primary brain tumor is that there will be more alternative treatments indicating more ammunition to either bludgeon the cancerous cells and/or contain its growth to spread further out inside the body.

6:00 PM - Dr. Hsu stops by Eileen's bed. Told her that he will have her close wound blood drain (引流管)pulled sometimes tomorrow. She will have a thourough ultrasound check about her internal organs to start the hunt for the origin of tumor. Dr. Hsu suspects this tumor may belong to gynacology dept. (婦科) when asked to where his professional hunch would points.

7:00 PM - Ms. Li, our 24 hrs. care aide shows up. She seems to be quite confident what this job involves.  She is about mid-size but strong and well built. She is from 四川,綿陽 and has been in Taiwan for over 8 years now. Eileen tells her that Michael loves Sichuan food.


When peace, like a river, attendeth my way,
when sorrows like sea billows roll;
whatever my lot, thou hast taught me to say,
It is well, it is well with my sould.

It is well with my soul,
It is well, it is well with my soul.

And, Lord, haste the day when my faith shall be sight,
the clouds be rolled back as a scroll;
the trump shall resound, and the Lord shall descend,
even so, it is well with my soul.

It is well with my soul,
It is well, it is well with my soul.


一 主是磐石容我藏躲,
二 日間遮蔭,夜間保護,
三 狂風暴雨四面來襲,
四 神聖磐石,親密隱處,

Monday, April 26, 2010



  • At 7:10 PM - After almost nine long hours, Eileen was wheeled out of surgery unit
  • At about 8:00 PM - Michael and her baby brother were summoned in to check her out. She barely woke from the drug effect, but awaken, barely whispered. She lifted her arms and legs fine, said, "she's comfortable."
  • At 9:10 PM - Eileen was transfered to ICU at neurosurgical centre. By this time, she could talk, weak yet above whisper level. She said to Michael, "I'm glad to see you." When told she looked fine and maintained her rosy cheek, a tid bit pale though, she followed with, "Thanks God and thanks Dr. Hsu." Asked why she was speaking English only all the time now. One wondered if Dr. Hsu altered her brain. She countered that English words were easier while Chinese sentences were a bit difficult now
  • Michael then read her few emails coming from brothers and sister to cheer her up. She drank small amount of soy milk and took her Epilepsy drug
  • We might be able to see Dr. Hsu to have him explain about the surgery tomorrow
This is one day, a very long one.

"The LORD bless you and keep you; the LORD make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you; the LORD turn his face toward you and give you peace."

Cole and Melissa came to stay in Wongs' place overnight with the boys while Michael stayed in Alan and Alice's (陳志宏 莫元樂)place in Taipei.

Out of Surgery

Eileen came out of surgery at 7:10pm, and we are waiting patiently until 8:00 to find out how everything went. Please keep praying, especially now for a quick recovery.


When Michael got to the room from home around 8:30 am, Eileen was lying on her side and almost done her shaving. Elder Ben Wang, from our church in San Jose, stopped by to pray and cheer Eileen up, on his way returning back to the States while he just finished his short mission from China.

8:30AM - 永強和基督之家四家王紹湖長老早晨趕到病房時,藹玲側臥在病床上,頭已幾乎理光,她用餘光親切地叫了聲,"王長老“ 像是見到了久別的家人一般。 王長老到中國培訓,路經台灣,特地來看望我們的姐妹。不久後,英文部的牧師和師母也到了。進手術房前,有主內的牧長們一同為她禱告,代求,藹玲甚覺安慰,倍受鼓舞。

Eileen took her last shower and doned in operation gown. Then walked in Pastor Rockie Bronson and his wife, Rebecca. Eileen remained in good spirit. How endearing those prayers we had with Elder Wang, Pastor Rockie and Rebecca. And we knew there were many other kept pray vigil for us all over the places.

10:00AM - 在手術室等候時,藹玲的兄嫂和弟弟也分別趕到,約莫在10:20左右,她被送進手術間。目前仍在手術中 - 下午2:00

Not too long after, she was wheeled down to the operation room and admitted in around 10:20 am. As this update posted now, she remains in the surgery room  1:30 PM

The surgery is moved up to10:00 am here now

Sunday, April 25, 2010



April 25th (Sunday)

April 25th (Sunday)

Michael slept well last night, got up at 6:00 am and got the hospital a little after 8:00 am. Today we’re going to see Dr. Hsu (許秉權). Eileen’s Mom and brothers all got here before 9:00 am. Dr. Hsu was ready to see us around 9:20 am.

He showed us most recent MRI, some image in 3D and lung x-ray as well.

From the MRI image, he suspected this was a high grade tumor which indicated the possibility of a malignant one, but he had yet to confirmed the details until her biopsy of which took about 4 – 5 days after the surgery; there was also possibility this tumor was not primary one but came somewhere else from her other part of the body. Let me not to bog our readers down with all technical jargons and the rest of medical details, anyway I was not trained to articulate them like a doctor lest one would be misled.

Dr. Hsu did encourage Eileen to be courageous since he believed this whole process would not be a simple course like a sitcom that everything was resolved well within 30 min. time slot. To fight the cancerous illness, we need to be prepared to persevere in a long course.

The good part was Eileen was physically fit for the operation. Her surgery would likely start sometimes after lunch tomorrow and could be done around 5:00 – 6:00 pm barring any unexpected development. She would stay in ICU overnight and transfer to the regular medical ward for recovery.

“My soul finds rest in God alone; my salvation comes from him.”
Psalm 62:1

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Visitor Day

This editor is simply too tired to carry on the work tonight. He is going to get up really early tomorrow morning to meet Dr. Hsu preparing for the operation on Monday. He promises to write something tomorrow night. Good night or day!

April 23rd (Friday)

April 23rd (Friday)
“Be strong and courageous. Be careful to obey all the law my servant Moses gave you; do not turn from it to the right or to the left, that you may be successful wherever you go. Do not let this Book of the Law depart from your mouth; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful.” 
Joshua 1:7-8
This was what came to our mind today.
AM - Eileen had her 3rd MRI today since check-in the hospital. This time she needed to inhale carbon dioxide to simulate tumor growth.
馮樹勻 from our cell group stopped by to check Eileen out when he had business in the vicinity area today, and whose wife, 沛芳 had been faithfully kept Eileen’s status updated in Chinese besides being there in care and praying support for Eileen and our family.
Five more moms from 10th grade came to cheer Eileen up and they were so modest that they didn’t want to be shown in this blog; three moms from 7th grade showed up. May our Lord remember your kindness and generosity, and reward you abundantly, mothers.

At the mean time, our patient’s appetite grew more voracious, she cleaned her meal plate every time.

Eileen’s roommate, Peichee would undergo a gamma knife treatment today and when we asked if we could pray for and with her together with her mother. Her eyes beamed with joy and gladness, and she readily accepted our invitation. We bade her to call on Jesus’ name whenever she felt scared or lonely. After many hours of anxious waiting, she was wheeled out for the treatment around 7:00 pm. Our Lord would be with her throughout and we looked forward to seeing her tomorrow morning.

We heard it somewhere in a sermon, it said, “there was no atheist in the trench at the battle field.” Today what we witnessed attested this true indeed.
PM - Pastor Robert Chang and his wife (張宰金牧師和師母) came to visit Eileen. What a sweet fellowship we had with our pastor of way-back many years ago when we worshipped at Main Line Chinese Christian Church, west suburb of Philadelphia, PA. At the end, we prayed for one another to supplicate each of our bodily weakness to the Lord on each’s behalf.
Through moms from 10th grade, we came to know 翁雅蘭, a mom from 10th grade was in the same hospital building undergoing a follow-up treatment of lung cancer. This time, our Lord shifted our focus from licking our own wounds and self pity to others that we could reach out. Eileen was urged to pray for her ever since this afternoon before we went down to 14th floor to meet her and her husband 庭魁 early evening. We were able to appreciate the pain and brokenness each had to endure when we swapped our stories. Still we comforted each other to cling on Jesus in this time of suffering while walking through the valley of the shadow of death.
Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.”
Joshua 1:9
Evening - After an eventful day, Eileen retired the day around 8:00 pm. She felt a bit exhausted, may be breathing little too much of  carbon dioxide earlier.

In their dance party attire, the boys came home around 10:30 pm. Happy yet tired. After scripture reading and a round of prayer, they too retired for the night, cause they needed to rise early tomorrow and go to Taipei to see their beloved mommy.

Friday, April 23, 2010

More Visitors

April 21st and 22nd

April 21st (Wed.)
AM - Chuck was late for school today since Michael turned off alarm clock and Reuben thought Dad would wake Chuck up since they slept in the same bed. And Chuck also missed his service project yesterday. Tough time for the younger boy.
At the same time, sitters for Chuck were arranged when Michael would stay in hospital round-the-clock starting this Sunday night. Again pray for a successful surgery and speedy recovery of Eileen so that we all could go home early.

Eileen took two tests - lung and heart today and no concern was raised from the medical team that said Eileen was as fit as a cucumber to undergo the surgery.
Evening - Melissa and Cole came. The dinner menu was chicken quesadilla. She put this and added this, out came the quesadilla and they tasted good, according to Chuck. And to keep the boys entertained, Cole could sync his muscle with the music of Jesus Loves Me This I Know. Now the parents were getting really jealous...
April 22nd (Thur.)
AM -  Michael’s parents called from Hong Kong and Michael’s octogenarian father wrote down his prayer on a piece of paper so that he would not be forgetful when praying with Eileen over the phone.
Eileen’s brothers and sister-in-laws all came.
More emails, phone calls and many more kindnesses in different forms and modes kept on pouring in.
Eileen went for a brain check. Nothing abnormal.
清玲姐 came. She was the one to listen to and comfort Eileen for hours over the phone into the late of the night when she was overcome by fear and left alone in the hospital the first night.  What a joy to see her again and  today Eileen was a changed person.
Then eight moms showed up from Reuben’s class. With them, there were gifts, cheer and loving care.
PM - Ms. Cheng, director and head nurse of surgical ward, who brought Eileen in this hospital came to check out Eileen. More encouraging and comfort words.
After having the room to herself for two days, Eileen got a new roommate before dinner. With common denominator both being brain tumor patients, she and Eileen hit off right away. She had had an even bigger tumor - 5 cm size and malignant one removed from this very hospital a year ago. She checked in today to undergo an operation of gamma knife tomorrow to take care of a 0.8cm regrowth tumor, of which was identified in her recent follow-up check-up.  The way she talked and carried herself as if to tell us she’s here to get a band-aid to fix a paper cut. Her calm and normality stoked up courage in Eileen to face her own ordeal. Besides, she shared with us perspectives and valuable experience about life after-surgery. Pray that she would have a successful operation tomorrow.
Evening - Dear Aunt Maylee came to look after the boys and she stayed on after until 10:00 pm.
The boys worked on their school project - cooking a dozen egg crepe for their Chinese class tomorrow. Reuben did the cooking while Chuck prepared a power point file and beat eggs as an assistant. The activity lasted into way-over-the-midnight while Michael was writing this update. Hope Chuck could get up on time came tomorrow morning. 

It's getting really late and Michael would post some pictures tomorrow or soon. Until then, good night or day.

Thursday, April 22, 2010



Tuesday, April 20, 2010

April 19 - 20 (Monday and Tuesday)

April 19 (Monday)

AM – Rocky and Rebecca, our pastor and his wife stopped by the hospital to give Eileen a cheer and prayed with us. Monday was their off-day. We’re beyond grateful that they not only coordinated among the church resources and spent few nights with Reuben and Chuck when they were most scared while Eileen was away in Taipei last week and Michael far away in Europe.

Dida, our volleyball gang from San Jose called in. Eileen had reached a “celebrity” status. Lite footed, she walked around the ward for few rounds to get a break. One would certainly too her for a visitor or the staff if it wasn’t her hospital robe. Eileen, sick? Oh, no! She was beaming.

PM – Dr. Huang, the resident and his aide sat down with Michael and Eileen to go over the MRI images and went in length to explain the images and share the information with great patience while Eileen and Michael kept on their last question after another last question.

To be preventive, Eileen started to take epilepsy drug – Valproate.

Evening – Mellisa and Cole Palmer came to our place to sit Chuck and Reuben. She cooked them sautéed beef with bell peppers. When Michael came home later in the night, Chuck said, as a matter of the fact, with excitement, “No offense, but you know, she cooks better than Mommy.” then gulped a mouthful beef in. Michael was relieved that the boys weren’t left alone. Before going to bed, Chuck blurted this out, “Are they coming again tomorrow?” He certainly enjoyed their companies.

April 20 (Tuesday)

AM – Pastor Sun, 孫復興 from 石牌教會, a church near by the hospital came to visit and pray with Eileen. Pastor Sun was sent by our deal friends – James and Jean 鐘興政陳侶君 from Boston.

Then Eileen had her 2nd MRI since move-in from last Friday, this time she was asked to move her leg, arm and mouth repeatedly, all left side for motor cortex mapping. No reaction nor fatigue this time since no contrast agent (顯影劑) involved.

Voila! Michael’s iPhone was able to sync with Eileen’s MacBook finally. Our hymn book became portable and we’re able to play music in Eileen’s room now. Eileen’s room mate got discharged this morning and she had the room to herself for the time being. A little privacy was always welcome.

PM – Ms. Smith from Chuck’s class took Chuck in to work on his homework afterschool.

Evening – 詹美麗阿姨 from our cell group (龍山小組) came quietly and spent couple of hours with the boys. All washed clothes scattered on coach were folded in neat piles when she left. What a gift to the neat freak Michael!

Many more people pitched in from behind the scene and prayer warriors near and afar stayed vigilant.

“Love lifted me! love lifted me! when nothing else could help, love lifted me!”

Help Wanted

Someone to sleep in our place starting this Sunday for about 4 - 5 nights when Michael will need to be in the hospital until Eileen is ready to be discharged. Pray it won't be more than that or even shorter time for Eileen's speedy recovery
Families take turns to take Chuck in for few nights while Michael is away in Taipei starting this Sunday night.





晚上教會雙語部有一對年輕的夫婦 Mellisa&Cole到永強及藹玲的家中,陪伴兩個孩子威威及皓皓,他們兄弟兩人都很喜歡這對年輕的大哥哥及大姐姐,讓永強及藹玲放心不少。











因為藹玲希望在手術前可以幫助威威做功課所以永強帶威威到醫院 。因為身體虛弱,所以藹玲沒有體力幫忙威威。

晚上---大約8:00志宏來訪,那時已渡過身體疲憊及虛弱, 藹玲非常高興看到來自洛杉磯教會的弟兄。藹玲向他訴說過去一星期神在她身上是如何偉大奇妙幫助她克服心中的恐懼。大約一個多小時交換彼此的見證。永強由第二天電話中得知,經由一個老朋友/一個教會中的弟兄的拜訪及慰問,使得藹玲的信心倍加堅定。


早上--- 永強和威威大約在10:00 左右到達醫院。當許多人打電話給藹玲,她的心情非常好。她不會感到疲倦。



下午----永強睡在藹玲旁邊的折疊椅上, 睡1個小時左右。請為永強代禱,能有犧牲奉獻的愛及充分的耐心因為艱難的時刻才剛開始而已。





Monday, April 19, 2010

April 17 - 18 (Sat. - Sun)

April 17 (Sat.)
AM - Eileen underwent her first MRI since administered into the neurosurgery ward while her older brother was with her and Michael went home to take a break and look after the boys.

PM – Feeling weak, reaction to contrast agent (顯影劑) of angiography commented by Dr. Hsu (許秉權), Eileen retired to the bed most of the afternoon.

Michael brought Chuck with him to the hospital while hoping Eileen could monitor his homework before surgery. She couldn’t help but lied in bed because her weakness.

Night – Alan (陳志宏) came to visit around 8:00. Being over the weakness then, Eileen was elated to see a brother from our church in San Jose .  She poured out her heart about how grateful, wonderful and fearful of her last week to him. A lively exchange of witness lasted about a little over an hour. Seeing her spirit so much lifted up by the visitation of an old friend/a brother in the Lord, Michael went on to enlist more to call her next day.

April 18 (Sunday)

AM – Michael and Chuck arrived in the hospital around 10:00 am. Victory English Fellowship (our church in Hsinchu) called us in for a special prayer session after Sunday service and Eileen was in good spirit touched by concerns pouring in from all directions. She didn’t look tired after all and regained her appetite stemming from steroid effect in her blood stream, forget about losing weight, she loved the food from the hospital kitchen, period.

However, the haphazard travel to and from Europe, the whirlwind event, this coming and going between hospital and home, physical exhaustion plus mental anxiety started to exact its toll on Michael. He lost his cool. Acting out of civility or politeness, one was expected to pour tea or hold the door for others once in a while and that shouldn’t be too hard, but a job of 24/7 as a caregiver was totally different story where corp. efficiency and effectiveness came last should they count at all. Michael lasted less than 72 hours.

PM - Poor guy slept on the folded bench next to the bed of Eileen’s to make up his much deprived sleep for an hour or so. Prayers were needed for Michael for sacrificial love, patience and sanity whereas the hardship just began.

More MRIs were ordered in this coming week for functional brain mapping to help with precision on surgery.

After two days being administered with steroid and brain pressure reliever, Eileen’s left limb regained more strength and her blood pressure dropped to normal. She even took her first shower.

Michael and Chuck left early and arrived home with Reuben around 8:45 while Reuben stayed in Adam’s house and went about his street dance this afternoon all by himself.

Prayer Requests - April 17, 2010

April 17th, 2010
Dear Brethren:
“God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear, though the earth give way and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea, though its waters roar and foam and the mountains quake with their surging...” Often time we sang this hymn out of church tradition, got carried away emotionally only by its poetic prose and beautiful music, and hardly bothered to comprehend what it really meant
Today, the music rang strong in our ears and we hummed the song while tears welled up, then flowed down like a stream.
We couldn’t remember when was the last time we were at the receiving end while we had so much get used to be on the giving side. There again, we got carried away by indulging in the self admiration of our generosity and thinking just because we could afford and how noble our action were.
Today, we’re stripped of every piece of fabric called PRIDE. There was nothing left that we could boast now, rather in our nakedness we came before our Maker and screamed a primal and reflective cry like a hurting baby.
Eileen came to realize there was something funny about her left side of the body well within last few weeks. 
First it was a minor drooling on the corner of her mouth, then she could not hold on a subject and dropped it about which before Chuck could get his hand. next her typing became gibberish, and this soon progressed into her left hand dropped from holding the steering wheel while driving before Reuben insisted that she checked into a local hospital in Hsinchu last Sunday. After a CT scan, she was told a 3 cm size tumor popped up deep inside her right brain and was thus recommended to seek treatment in better hospitals elsewhere in Taipei.
Through an acquaintance, Ms. Cheng, she was able to cut the line of a long queue about taking MRI and a visit with a much-sought-after physician at Taipei Veterans General Hospital, then was transferred to Dr. Hsu when the prognosis of her illness seemed critically grim. Dr. Hsu, who trained under Mahmut Gazi Yasargil, the pioneer and founder of modern microneurosurgery according to Wikipedia until four years ago and returned to Taiwan to help his people here, checked her into his neurosurgery department yesterday and prepared her to undergo a brain operation two Mondays from today - April 26th.
All these happened at a dizzy pace of last few days whereas, under normal circumstances, the whole process could take up as many as several weeks. Eileen and I couldn’t help but wonder His hands are working amidst this commotion.
While we slowly come to terms with this trial, we plead everyone of you to intercede and supplicate on our behalf for Eileen’s surgery preparation, brain operation, after-math treatment and rehabilitation. Also please pray for
Both of us remain strong while enduring this arduous journey and Michael’s mental and physical strength needed for both Eileen and the boys
The boys develop true Christian characters in this hardship and grow up away from a much sheltered life.
To advance the Gospel, let this event be a witness to our families and friends about the relevance of this faith of ours towards our very lives when facing ones’ own mortality.
“But blessed is the man who trusts in the LORD, whose confidence is in Him. He will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream. It does not fear when heat comes; its leaves are always green. It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit.”
“You’re my hiding place; you will protect me from trouble and surround me with songs of deliverance.” 
Michael and Eileen

Eileen's First Account

4-11星期天早上, 老大要我去馬偕檢查 ,雖然我想等孩子們的期中考結束後,再去檢查 我想我有小中風 ,因為東西會不自覺的掉落。
醫生幫我照了電腦掃描 ,發現腦中有一3公分的瘤 ,他說不能開刀 只能化療 ,他勸我到台大或榮總醫院檢查作治療。
4-12 早上做高鐵到台北 ,下午弟弟陪我去榮總掛號檢查 ,弟妹的姐姐的同學是榮總的督導長, 她介紹潘宏基醫生 –腦神經外科, 專攻放射線的主任。
潘宏基醫生說,馬偕提供的電腦掃描 ,沒有顯影 不能判斷 ,我需要再做兩種核磁共振檢查。
按一般程序, 至少需要等兩星期 才能排到,
潘宏基醫生要我告訴安排核磁共振的人 ,因為我腦中有瘤 ,請她們儘快幫我安排時間,  當我們被告之隔天就可以做核磁共振檢查, 弟弟和我都很驚訝 ,我們問他報告何時可以出來,
她說要一星期 ,我覺得時間很恰當。 因為我先生正在歐洲出差 ,他回來正好可以看到報告 ,我們可以一起聽醫生的解釋。
4-13 晚上作6:30開始作核磁共振檢查 40 分鐘 ,做完後我問醫生,何時可以掛門診 ,因為醫生要等報告出來才能看 。醫生居然說明天就可以掛號 ,我聽見後 覺得害怕 ,因為先生不在身邊陪我一起看檢查結果, 一起詢問醫生治療的方法 我必須自己面對 。
4-14哥哥和小弟妹陪我去醫院見潘宏基主任 ,我自己已經開始走路不平衡, 無法走直 會往一邊歪斜 ,哥哥一路拉著我 。
當我們在候診時 ,想到可以打電話給我先生,叫他Skype到我手機, 他就可以同時聽到潘宏基醫生的講解 ,醫生說我的腫瘤是原生性膠質瘤 ,是很難對付的一種腦癌, 化學治療是沒有用的 ,需要一生持續的對付 ,開刀是唯一且是作好的治療選擇 ,需要打開右腦 ,取出腫瘤 ,並且要處理乾乾淨淨, 才不會復發 。 醫生說因為腫瘤長在右腦,影響左半部右腦的功能較少 ,如果手術有任何差錯 ,只會影響我的左半部 ,身體其他部分影響較少 , 我都使用右手 ,所以開刀取出腫瘤對我是最好的治療選擇 。其他不用開腦的手術 對我都沒有用,潘宏基主任說會找最好的許秉權醫生來幫我動手術 ,許醫生四年前從美國回來 許醫生動的手術都很成功。
潘主任看到許醫生在這同時間有門診 ,立刻幫我轉到許醫生門診 許醫生向我們解釋 ,
我的腫瘤 一定要開刀取出 ,這是腦神經外科作好的處理方式, 而且要清除乾淨 才不會復發 ,為了要清除乾淨腫瘤 ,有可能會切除到一些運動神經 ,開刀後 仍需作化療 ,以確定腫瘤完全清除乾淨 。
我很擔心 手術後我不會醒過來  ,見不到我的孩子 ,所以我必須先告訴孩子們  ,以免他們一生遺憾, 醫生很有自信的告訴我 , 他回台灣四年 所動過的刀很多 ,這些人都仍健在 ,要我相信他 ,並要我堅強, 因為手術後 ,我會在加護病房待很久, 且要做化療 ,這是需要長期持續的治療過程, 我不知道會需要多久的時間, 才會完全恢復  但是我相信上帝已經介入其中,為我預備一切,從一開始到現在,環環相扣,在最短的時間內,做好檢查及排好開刀時間,上帝必要行那美好的事,也藉著這疾病向我的家人傳福音,謝謝弟兄姊妹為我代禱及實質的幫助,學校孩子同學媽媽也伸出愛心援手,這需要長期抗戰,也請大家繼續用禱告支持我們。