Saturday, September 18, 2010

On the Right Path 一天天好起來

Our patient is getting better everyday. She has been bathing herself last two weeks. She starts to run small chores herself, like paying bills and even writes one or two emails, very limited though. Lately, she even writes a shopping list while Michael goes shopping at local fresh market. She then gives instructions to Juanny, our helper to cook for the boys.
病人一天天好起來, 過去兩週來她每天自己沐浴,開始處理簡單事物,如付賬單,偶爾也能寫一兩封電郵。最近還列個菜單,讓筆者到菜市場提籃小買,她再教華妮煮給兩個孩子。

She took her 1st post surgery lung CT scan Wed. (Sept. 16) and we should be notified by Dr. Chiu's office soon should there be any abnormality or we won't see him until early Oct.
週三到醫院照了胸部的 CT Scan,這是術後第一次。邱大夫告訴我們若是結果有異常,他會第一時間通知我們,否則下次回診要到十月初了。

Wanting to get back to her normal life soon cause' the drug does give her certain headache, she tells Dr. Chiu that she intends to take Irressa for 4 months, not 6 months or a year. Dr. Chiu is fine with that, which means she will stop Iressa in Mid November.

Thank you all who continue to follow her status and remember us in ones praying vigil. 

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Good progress 近來不錯

Our helper got sick this week and she took some days off to see doctor and rest. Michael was pulling his hair when first hearing this request. Well, today is second day she is not with us and we're hopeful she will be back comes tomorrow, cause Michael needs fly to Hong Kong Monday.

Well, in all things God works for the good of those who love him, the silver lining is that we're learning to be more independent of ourselves. Eileen for one has taken up bathing herself while trying to keep a distance from our helper, hence the germs.

All in all, Michael is amazed to discover how much a progress Eileen has been made so far. She starts to crave for food she used to indulge and asks for bites from our plates even though she won't be able to munching with hearty appetite like she used to. The stomach pill does the wonder while she no longer complains about tummy upset. Ensure mixed with grind oats power remains her staple diet. We don't hear her coughing any more. One should see how we used to carry a plastic basin, a container to collect her used tissue papers, with us to the bedroom to rest for the night. That basin was part of her peripheral where ever she went. This has become a past tense. That is a great feat to anyone who has been her caregiver of last few months. She has been in good spirit most of the time and hardly complains about the predicament being home bound for so long. After all, she is quite a nerdy person. If it were to an outgoing one like Michael, he for sure would go berserk should he being confined indoor for this long.

New school year starts this week and she is able to see the boys leaving in the morning couple of times. Maternal instinct urges her to come in. 

Well, we're not out of the woods yet. This Irressa does bring some minor inconveniences. Her skin is getting rough, think about sandpaper and rashes or acnes are all over her body. Scratching her back becomes Michael's routine whenever he is at home. Need to get her a stick with hand shape extension to relief her itches herself when Michael is not around.

Until then, so long, family and friends, we're truly grateful of your pray vigilance and loving care.