Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Chapter 2 Stage 4 Lung Cancer 第二章 肺癌第四期



Eileen started the day upbeat. After her quiet time, first came Michael's parents, then Eileen's mom brought by Ben, her baby brother and Rita, his wife, and last came Grace Yu, Elder Yu's wife from our church in Hsinchu. A wonderful time with family and sweet fellowship with a sister with whom she confides often. It was 1:00 PM by the time Grace left the ward.


3:00 PM the dreadful time came to pay her due, going to the basement for her fifth radiation treatment. Nevetheless, it's comfort to know one time less after every treatment, it will be done by next Thursday, Hallelujah!


4:00 PM Dr. Hsieh came, our lung surgeon with his assitance. When enquired about how seriouse 1.3cm size lesion in her lung is . The answer came, 'regardless the size, once the tumor is a metastesis one, it is in its stage 4.' As far as lung surgery is concerned, it seems premature to discuss at this time while it depends on how well the patience rehabilitate from current brain surgery. We will need to come back to visit Dr. Hsieh in another two weeks. Nevertheless, chemotherapy is inevitable. 

下午四點,,藹玲的胸腔外科醫師謝致政大夫帶著助理應約來病房探視。當問及謝大夫 1.3cm 的肺部腫瘤有多嚴重,謝大夫告知我們,腫瘤不在大小,擴散了就是第四期;至於治療方面,肺癌切割手術要看藹玲腦部手術後的恢復,最早也要等一兩個禮拜後再說(術後起碼一個月的時間),化療是不可避免的。

"Survivalbility" instead of "curability" is medical profession's jargon while "survivalbility" sounds rather negative in its Chinese translation, to us at least. This, in turn, weighted our hearts down, like falling from few floors. We're left to wonder what stage 4 actually mean in layman's terms in the wake of Dr. Hsieh's departure.


Treatment details need to wait and "survivalbility" is just too scary to comtemplate. Well, then let's switch the subject. Dr. Hsieh agreed to a PET/CT Scan, scheduled Thursday afternoon. Also Lung tumor marker tests, CK20 and CK7 were ordered. 

好吧,既然這壺不開,我們提另一壺吧。謝大夫同意病人住院期間照正子掃描 (PET/CT Scan)。時間排在本週四下午。肺癌指標CK20CK7正在檢驗中。

May our patience sleep tight tonight.


"When times are good, be happy; but when times are bad, consider: God has made the one as well as the other.
Therefore, a man cannot discover anything about his future." Ecclesiates 7:14


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