Wednesday, July 28, 2010

July 28th

Today, another visit with Dr. Chiu (邱紹華). Everything seems to be fine except the coughing. It just won't go away. Even though she doesn't cough as much and the tissue wiper consumption is evidently slowing down now whereas just few weeks ago, she used up a whole carton of those fine non-woven tissue easily in a short week. And the bad thing is she has this "ritual" of throwing up everything and less than violent coughing before going to bed every night lately. Dr. Chiu prescribes cough medicine and hope this will take care of it.

We are sent to a dermatologist to check out her feet and hands where fungus infection is evident. Given her current condition, she is susceptible to infection and given lotion and ointment to take care of her skin problem.

She has shed about 10 kgs since coming home. Her hearty appetite slips out of her. At patient's request, we bought a can of protein rich "Ensure" in powder form to fortify her nutrition otherwise she eats rice porridge with minced meat only.

She gets tired easily and her spirit is low. Not in the mood to go out breathing fresh air as of now. She complains I hardly spend time with her...

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

An Afterthought, Can You Drink the Cup That I Am Going to Drink 事後的聯想

"...Should I not to drink the cup the Father has given me?" John 18:11b

This is the verse of the day from "Streams in the Desert" when I read Eileen while waiting her MRI report from Dr. Hsu Monday morning. My heart skipped, "Wouldn't it be...?" I told her what I thought but stopped there short without saying much. She met my query with silence.
七月十九日(星期一)早晨,在等待許大夫告知核磁共振報告的同時,我與藹玲一起讀“荒漠甘泉”,這是當天的經文。我的心咯噔一下,脫口而出“莫非這是..?” 藹玲轉過頭去,用沈默制止我繼續往下提。

Monday passed in waiting. We even called Dr. Hsu's office, left a message around 6:30 PM and were told he is in the surgery room.

I flew to Hong Kong resuming my work next day and nothing happened until about the same time at 6:30 PM, our anxious patient called and asked if I got a call from Dr. Hsu. My day flew by when one buried himself in his work while Eileen waited and waited the whole day. I tried to comfort her by saying Dr. Hsu must be in the surgery room and has have time to call us.

Just about the time, I've done my meeting in Shenzhen and was on my way to cross boarder getting back to Hong Kong, I picked up a familiar voice spoken from my cell phone, it was Dr. Hsu.

"Please, ple-e-e-ease! Dr. Hsu tell me the result, good or bad, please!" I was begging him in my mind and in his characteristic soft and slow speaking tone, Dr. Hsu went "Her RMI image shows there remain scar tissue on the surgical wound about where the tumor was removed. (What does this mean, how bad is the scar tissue, Dr. Hsu? I held my breath and listen on.)
出於急迫,我在心裡不住地催促著他,“是好是壞,拜託,拜託你,快把結果告訴我吧!” 許大夫用他那溫和的聲音慢慢地開講了,“核磁共振影像顯示腦瘤移除的傷口開始結疤。(結疤是好還是壞呢,許大夫?我耐著性子聽下去。)”

"There is no other place that shows sign of alarm."

"Would the scar issue have impact about her motor function from here on and how big is the cavity?" I pressed on.

He answered, "The scare tissue is expected and will stay with her for a long time. It should not have postmortem adverse effect. The cavity left from her surgical wound is rather small when the brain tissue fills up the space after the tumor removal. One should be alarmed only when her four limbs go limping while intermittent numbness should not be too much a concern."
他緩緩地答道,“ 傷口結疤是正常的,而且這個疤可能會一輩子留在那裡,但不會影響她的運動神經。傷口的空洞很小,大部分都被腦組織填上了。間歇性手腳的麻痺應該不會是大問題,若是四肢無力就要格外注意了。”

"Let's keep monitor her progress and check her up in another three months." he continued. 

I took it this is a good sign or so far so good and very relieved. I then called our patient-desperate-in-waiting and retold her my conversation with Dr. Hsu. At the end, I asked her to prepare to get up early in the morning, I mean very early when I will bring her out to the wooded park in our area. Her voice came back lively.

It dawned on me the whole way back through Hong Kong riding on a bus, and I turned and tossed in the middle of the night last night until early in the morning that we're simply too feeble a vessel to make into a noble article of His desire and He cuts us some slack with an easier path. How would we handle the situation if the outcome was otherwise when a verse popped up in my mind afresh, "No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it." 1 Corinthians 10:13

We just turned yet another page of our ordeal. What unfolds next we don't know, but are reminded to walk daily with Him.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

She Is Fine 病人目前還好

Dear All Those Caring Families and Friend

Hospital visit - 
We left home right after 6:00 early in the morning and didn't make it home after 9:30 PM yesterday. Long day it was and our patient broke in pieces on the way back inside the car, guess the patience's physical strength was way stretched over. Let me not to go there, you don't want to hear the graphic details.

The lesson learned is that we won't see more than one doctor in one visit next time, otherwise the toll of waiting in between on the hard bench was too much for our frail patient not to mention one needs to endure the merciless sweltering heat of Summer day.

All seems well with our patient except rashes everywhere on her bosom, back, feet, chin and more. Doctor says this is just the beginning. Itching. She has moderate degree of diarrhea, which is normal with Iressa.
病人前胸後背,腳上,下巴都是紅疹子,醫生說這才是開始而已,疹子會越發越多。最近開始拉肚子,據說身體適應了標靶藥 Iressa,會漸漸恢復正常。

We're going to take a MRI this Sat. and Dr. Hsu (許秉權) will read the result next Monday the earliest. This is Eileen's first MRI, three months after brain surgery. Many "what ifs" bubble in our brains. Anxiety built up is for sure. Please remember us in your prayer.