Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas to You and Your Family 聖誕平安

For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace. Isiah 9:6
And she brought forth her firstborn son, and wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger; because there was no room for them in the inn. Luke 2:6-7 

This thousands years old message still rings anew and stirs up such an emotion whenever it is read. You know what, this family of four is going to the Sunday service tomorrow like we always did before Eileen became sick! No one will be left at home alone this time.

At Reuben's request, we went out first time as a family for a dinner in the nearby "Italian" restaurant to celebrate Christmas. On this Christmas evening, Hsinchu sky is drizzled with rain and temperature hovers at teen, yet we feel great and joyous.

Wed. (Dec. 23rd) was a long day at hospital like always, yet we came home with great relief when all the reports gave Eileen a clean bill. First it was Dr. Chiu, Eileen's lung doctor. Nothing from her chest CT scan caused alarm and we won't see him until next March. After four month target medication treatment, now she is released to a three month follow up routine like that of her brain situation; then it was Dr. Hsu, her brain surgeon. It was very nice to see him again as if we went to see an old friend and we believed he felt the same way. With his characteristic not-rushed manner and soft spoken tone, he went through Eileen's brain MRI and full body PET scan in details and told us the good news of her brain scar healing well and nothing to worry about her PET reading. We went home exhausted yet happy, very happy.

週三 (十二月二十三日)像往常一樣,我們在醫院耗了一整天,能帶著藹玲的健康報告回家,又怎能不釋懷。先是胸腔內科的邱醫師,胸腔電腦斷層掃描報告無甚異常,我們下次見他是三個月後的回診。經過四個月的標靶藥物治療,藹玲的肺部治療像她腦部的一樣進入到季度性的跟踪檢查;下午去見腦外科的許秉權大夫,我們像是見到一位老朋友,相信他也有同感。一如他過往不徐不緩的態度,溫和地向我們就藹玲的大腦核磁共振和全身正子掃描結果詳細的解說,告訴我們藹玲大腦內的疤痕癒合良好,身上其他器官皆無異常。一天下來身體雖是疲憊,心情卻是好生愉快。

Compared to the above, what we just went through domestically appeared to be a minor annoyance and inconvenience. Eileen together with our maid and the agency went to Hsinchu's labor department to settle the dispute we had with our maid Monday. Who basically quit us barely after two months coming to live with us. Please save me the trouble not to get in the details of this not so pleasant experience. We need a replacement helper and this could take another month or two. Six days passed. So far, Eileen and the boys are working very hard to keep this house in order while Michael is trying to locate a temp. one to alleviate the situation since he is out of the town on the weekdays.  

"When the riding horse dies, the rider walks" says Cantonese. Eileen had to run up and down this five story town house few times a day to run the chores herself now. She resolved to suite her own strength and maintained about a stop-and-go pace to carry on the daily routine. The silver lining about this incident is that Eileen and the boys realized how much easier and comfortable their lives were when the maid was with us. This is the first week without a maid.
廣東人常說,“馬死落地行。” 藹玲勉強着一日幾上幾下地跑家務活兒。她也只能量著體力做做停停。這一來讓她和孩子正真體會到有個人在家裡幫忙那日子太舒服了,這才是沒了幫傭的第一個星期。

Until next time, friends and beloved ones, may the spirit of Christmas be with each one of you and your family throughout the holidays and the new year of 2011.

"Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace to men on whom his favor rests." Luke 2:14

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Birthday Girl 女壽星

Fifty years ago, an infant girl was born to Hoa family...

Reuben won't talk to her last night because mother and son have certain dispute. The mother feels sad.
Our maid wants to leave while she doesn't think we're the right employer. This drives Eileen nuts.
Our birthday girl has been in a pursuit to get Michael a good medical insurance coverage since the sky is about to befall upon this family if a misfortune happens to him. She is really concerned about Michael's health

Lots of headache and worry, right? Not everyday is about walking in Lavender Cottage.

"When upon life's billows you are tempest tossed, when you are discouraged, thinking all is lost...Are you ever burdened with a load of care? Does the cross seem heavy you are called to bear...So, amid the conflict, whether great or small, do not be disheartened God is over all..." Doesn't the lyric of this hymn sound familiar? Well, we're reminded to come to Him in time of distress and, as a matter of the fact, anytime .
“當你遇見苦難如同大波浪,當你憂愁喪膽幾乎要絕望...當你掛念世事如同挑重擔,當你背負十架覺得苦難堪...每逢遭遇靈戰不論大或小,主手統治一切你不要懼怕...“ 在教會裡待久了這歌詞聽來一定很熟悉。的確如此,或遭遇不順,其實在各種環境下,我們都當常常來親近神。

We went to had a chest CT and PET scans yesterday, and are about to meet doctors next Wed. Will keep you all posted after doctors' visits.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Thank You Letter

來信摘要:感謝函 受理單位:院長信箱承辦單位 回覆日期:2010-11-23 11:12:55 處理情形:永強先生,您好:


台北榮民總醫院 敬啟

滿意度調查 來信內容:尊敬的台北榮民總醫院林院長芳郁博士:

I write this letter with great gratitude about the treatment my wife, 郝藹玲 Eileen H. Wong received from your esteemed institute recently.

1. In early April, she was found with lung cancer with brain metastasis and transferred from 新竹馬偕醫院
2. She first underwent a craniotomy in late April
3. A brain radiation, soon afterwards
4. Then a lobectomy of her left lower lobe and radical lymph node dissection in early June
5. Started taking Iressa in July as her first line treatment and this remains current

Drs. 潘宏基, 許秉權, 藍耿立, 謝致政, 邱昭華 (in the order from which treatment received), the nurses and caregivers from wards 中正 173 and 161 and a whole batch of other medical professionals, caregivers and administrators of different department that we encountered left us with an experience that so profound and indelible. Your esteemed institute is indeed worthy the name, the Best in Taiwan and more to it, the quality of treatment and patient care, and the advancement of medical skill, technology and facilities are equal to those of the best in the US if not better, yet only at a small fraction of hospital bill in the US would cost us; therefore we say overall treatment my wife received is far superior. That puts your hospital ahead most of those in US in our judgment. No wonder President Obama is in a dire need to reform the health care system of US.

Moreover, we are here to commend Dr. 許秉權 who went beyond and above what is expected of a fine medical doctor

1. A comforter - He first quelled our anxiety and desperation when my wife was admitted to his ward. “Cancer” was a word so very foreign to us and a potential of high grade brain tumor seemed a synonym of “Death” to us at first,
2. A magician and executioner - He assured us of his credential and would do his utmost to afford my wife the best treatment the hospital and he could provide; and most of all, he did what he said
3. A listener and counselor - Besides giving my wife a battery of scan and test to prepare her for an ultra delicate surgical procedure, hence a successful surgery, he always made himself available explaining to us in details; after awhile we felt rather he and us tackling the tumor problem as one team
4. An advocator - When pathological result indicated the tumor was a brain metastasis after her craniotomy, he ordered tests, scans and other procedures to trace the origin of the tumor and recommended immediate lobectomy once confirmed the location being in her lung
5. A cheerleader - He constantly rallied us to fight on and not to give in or up where survivability improves when the strong-will-to-live prevails

He now becomes “Our Doctor”, a beloved and respected one after about a month or so under his care. He truly exemplifies the finest medical professional and caregiver this modern world defines. He works our brains and hearts besides ones’ illness. We look forward to meeting him every three months on our regular follow up visit as we understand this fight is far from over. But having him on our side, this rapport of trust and camaraderie favorably add good fighting chance for us. All and all, we can’t thank you enough for training up and giving us such a wonderful doctor and gentleman.

Gratefully and respectfully yours,

Michael Wong

p.s. A minor issue about what displays at toll booth of the hospital underground parking garage, it says “Thank you, please leave.” after one pays the parking fee. We believe it means to say, “Thank you. Please drive safe” or “Thank you. Have a nice day.” One could simply leave out the “please leave” part, lest someone miscues it for an unintended contemptuous expression.