Saturday, December 18, 2010

Birthday Girl 女壽星

Fifty years ago, an infant girl was born to Hoa family...

Reuben won't talk to her last night because mother and son have certain dispute. The mother feels sad.
Our maid wants to leave while she doesn't think we're the right employer. This drives Eileen nuts.
Our birthday girl has been in a pursuit to get Michael a good medical insurance coverage since the sky is about to befall upon this family if a misfortune happens to him. She is really concerned about Michael's health

Lots of headache and worry, right? Not everyday is about walking in Lavender Cottage.

"When upon life's billows you are tempest tossed, when you are discouraged, thinking all is lost...Are you ever burdened with a load of care? Does the cross seem heavy you are called to bear...So, amid the conflict, whether great or small, do not be disheartened God is over all..." Doesn't the lyric of this hymn sound familiar? Well, we're reminded to come to Him in time of distress and, as a matter of the fact, anytime .
“當你遇見苦難如同大波浪,當你憂愁喪膽幾乎要絕望...當你掛念世事如同挑重擔,當你背負十架覺得苦難堪...每逢遭遇靈戰不論大或小,主手統治一切你不要懼怕...“ 在教會裡待久了這歌詞聽來一定很熟悉。的確如此,或遭遇不順,其實在各種環境下,我們都當常常來親近神。

We went to had a chest CT and PET scans yesterday, and are about to meet doctors next Wed. Will keep you all posted after doctors' visits.

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