Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Mary 馬莉

Good News 好消息
  1. Mary can't show up in a better time while our patient struggles with bruises from hypodermic neddle punctures. (Can't believe she is a lung cancer patient (stage 3) and at the end of her chemotherapy) 同是肺癌病患的馬莉帶來了及時的問候和安慰
  2. Off IV drugs and pain killer today 點滴和止痛的嗎啡一概停了
  3. First poo after surgery, very important 上了一號,大事一件
Not So Good Ones 不是太好的事情

  1. Slightly low blood count - 9ish whereas normal value is about 12ish. Blood transfusion is ordered 血紅素略低,九點幾,正常值在十二左右。謝大夫讓輸血

  2. Bruises from hypodermic needle punctures, arms, hands and foot, yet can't get her vein. It hurts so much, our patient cries for mercy and doctor had to puts blood transfusion on hold. Poor girl 手臂手背,連腳也都戳過,紫一塊,青一塊仍是找不到靜脈,痛到求饒,輸血也只能作罷。

“For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but we have one who has been tempted in every way, just as we are—yet was without sin. Let us then approach the throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.” Hebrews 4:15-16

“ 因我們的大祭司並非不能體恤我們的軟弱。他也曾凡事受過試探,與我們一樣,只是他沒有犯罪。所以,我們只管坦然無懼的來到施恩的寶座前,為要得憐恤,蒙恩惠,作隨時的幫助。”希伯來書 4:15-16



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