Wednesday, June 30, 2010

As Thy Days, So Shall Thy Strength Be 日子如何,力量也必如何

Last Wed. Dr. 邱紹華 gave us a whole week to deliberate to go chemo or target medicine treatment. It wasn't too difficult to come to the decision with target medicine - Iressa when we saw him today at his office.

Our patient will forsake the hell of chemo for the time being and take an easier and supposely better efficacy path. A follow up visit with Dr. 邱 is in 2 weeks, mid of July. Initially, we'll take this a 4 months course and see how it goes.

Prepare to see Eileen with lots of ACNEs or pimples when I show you her picture next time. This household will soon add one "teenager" girl in addition to the two teenager boys. The side effective of Iressa, so we are told.

Pleural effusion remains while our patient gets weary and frigthful at mentioning about being hospitalized again to drain the fluid. Dr. 謝治政 goes easy on her this time cause' he doesn't think the fluid in the chest cavity left from the lung incision is so critical and life threatening. We're hopeful that soon our patient will expand her remaining left lung to fill up the space so as to squeez out the fluid.
Coughing remains and not yet able to swallow her own saliva down rather wipe it out with baby wiper. She consumes 40 boxes of baby wiper paper (more than 6,000 sheets) in a week. Michael has to place a special order for another 120 boxes to be delivered soon.

She makes progress in snail pace. Sometimes we both get anxious and wonder when one sees the light at the other end of this tunnel of recovery.

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