Thursday, October 7, 2010

She Is Doing Good 她又活過來了

Recently, the boys told us what happened in their school. One evening the school cafeteria was about to close while Reuben and Chuck were still finishing up their dinner there, back when Eileen was not doing too well. The woman who ran the cafeteria struck up a conversation with them. When she found out why they lingered at her cafeteria late was because their dad was out of town working while their mom was rehabilitating from cancer. She took pity on them, gave them free food and did this again and again.

Bless her heart for her kindness. This family encounters all sorts of kindnesses. Daily, one is reminded to count his blessings when misfortune strikes.

Well, October brings relief about temperature and humidity. We can finally turn off the air conditioning and gone is the repressive summer heat.

No news is good news. We went to see Dr. Chiu today and there is nothing alarming about her lung CT scan result. All seem normal.

Eileen, we will stop calling her “patient” from now on, is more of herself now. She regains her appetite. She complains often about how the food tastes dry now. “They don’t taste as good.” I hear this again and again. But don’t be fooled by this casual comment of her. She still finishes a large portion of a plate of deep fried lotus root slice minced with ground pork while salivating the food and mumbling, “Oh, they don’t taste as good!” at the same time. Go figure.

The other day, Michael bought home few Italian dishes - pizzas, salad, chicken penne and dessert. One should see her putting on this jolly grin, following the boys to the dinning room, and munching on all food except Tiramisu while Michael kept on reminding the boys to let mommy have her pick as if she was the baby of us all. To tell the truth, the boys were little taken aback. Chuck for one in particular, when was the last time he ceased the privilege being the baby of this household, now he had to share his favorite dish – chicken penne with Mommy and the worst was Mommy kept on asking for more and more of his favorite chicken penne.
週末,筆者外買了一堆義大利食物,比薩,沙拉,通心粉炒雞丁,甜點。真正認識我們的人可以想像她一副因食物興奮的神情,跟著筆者和孩子圍上餐桌,除了甜點,每樣東西都不錯過。為此,筆者需要不時地提醒兩個孩子,讓媽媽挑她喜歡的食物。媽媽成了家中的老么,老實說, 兩個孩子多少有些錯厄,老二尤其。從來都是媽媽讓他,叫他把自己那份通心粉炒雞丁讓出來分給大家,真有點心不甘情不願,最叫他受不了的是媽媽還沒完沒了向他討通心粉炒雞丁。

Everybody learned to share at the dinner table that night and the meal could not taste better. As for Eileen, the food makes her whole and my dear wife is back to herself again, almost.

Honestly speaking, if it wasn’t her strong body build up over the course of these many years, she won’t bounce back as robust as today. For what she may come short on her form and shape, much is made up in her physical strength.  Hence my advise to people so obsessed about the appearance, think it twice before one sheds her or his extra pounds. This weight may come in handy in other time.

Food aside, she starts to involve in boys’ school works. From time to time, one hears her raising up her voice like all overbearing Chinese parents when tutoring Chuck.

There was a time she had this creepy numbness sensation running from her left fingers through the whole length of her arm up to her left shoulder. Doctors can’t figure out why and she has to live with it for the time being. Good thing about this numbness is it doesn’t happen too often. Last time was in July. This however is a stern reminder that we’re fine but nevertheless, not out of the woods yet.

Until then, Shalom! Our beloved friends and families.

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