Wednesday, June 30, 2010

As Thy Days, So Shall Thy Strength Be 日子如何,力量也必如何

Last Wed. Dr. 邱紹華 gave us a whole week to deliberate to go chemo or target medicine treatment. It wasn't too difficult to come to the decision with target medicine - Iressa when we saw him today at his office.

Our patient will forsake the hell of chemo for the time being and take an easier and supposely better efficacy path. A follow up visit with Dr. 邱 is in 2 weeks, mid of July. Initially, we'll take this a 4 months course and see how it goes.

Prepare to see Eileen with lots of ACNEs or pimples when I show you her picture next time. This household will soon add one "teenager" girl in addition to the two teenager boys. The side effective of Iressa, so we are told.

Pleural effusion remains while our patient gets weary and frigthful at mentioning about being hospitalized again to drain the fluid. Dr. 謝治政 goes easy on her this time cause' he doesn't think the fluid in the chest cavity left from the lung incision is so critical and life threatening. We're hopeful that soon our patient will expand her remaining left lung to fill up the space so as to squeez out the fluid.
Coughing remains and not yet able to swallow her own saliva down rather wipe it out with baby wiper. She consumes 40 boxes of baby wiper paper (more than 6,000 sheets) in a week. Michael has to place a special order for another 120 boxes to be delivered soon.

She makes progress in snail pace. Sometimes we both get anxious and wonder when one sees the light at the other end of this tunnel of recovery.

A Snapshot with Her Hero 她心目中的英雄

Sunday, June 27, 2010

What happens to Our Patient Lately... 藹玲近來如何?

Eileen came home for almost two weeks and we went to meet with Dr. 邱,Encologist (胸腔內科),Dr. 謝 Lung Surgeon (胸腔外科),Dr. 許, Brain Surgeon (腦神經外科) this past Wed. (June 23rd).


With the exception of pleural effusion (胸腔積水), she seems to be well on her recovery. For the pleural effusion, Dr. 謝 prescribes deep breathing excersice to expand the lung and Furosemide, Lasix, a drug to expell the fluid. We're prayful that the fluid is cleared by the time we see Dr. 謝 again next Wed. (Jun. 30th). Otherwise, our patient will be admitted to the hospital again to drain the excessive fluid. That sounds very dreary when she has already undergone two major surgeries.

除了胸腔有積水讓人擔心之外,各位都認為藹玲的恢復狀態不錯。至於胸腔積水,謝大夫除了開利尿藥外加囑咐用深呼吸擴張肺葉把積水擠出去。 若無見效,下週謝大夫也許要讓病患再住進醫院進行插管引流。兩次大手術下來,病人早已是談院變色。

Tumor EGFR DNA sequencing comes back confirming mutation. That means she has good chance responding to target medicine treatment (標靶藥物治療), such as Iressa or Tarceva whereas she can skip the morbid torture of chemotherapy. Other than low white blood cell count and many other horrible side effects, the major side effect we hear is acne or pimples. Well, our patient has yet to come out the shadow of two major surgeries and decide if she wants。


Where all about this mental stage are stemming from the influcence of Chinese medical belief that the patient's body is too weak to handle anything else now when just survived trauma events of multiple surgery and her energy (氣) is in such a low ebb. We'll see comes next Wed. when we meet Dr. 邱 again.


During the lung surgery, certain size of tube was inserted through her throat and that somehow hurted her larynx. She has yet to recover with lots of coughing.


Porridge with fish meat and ground beef is her major diet now.


Lot changes taking places in her body here and there to adapt. Our patient needs lots of encouragement to be lifted up...


Thursday, June 10, 2010

We're out of Here! 出院啦!

Dr. Hsieh stops by and tells us that once the drainage tube is unplugged, she can be discharged at anytime. We'll leave the hospital either tomorrow or Sat. There are some family logistic to take care of.


The pathological biopsy confirms that lung tumor is the primary one. What a relief!


We'll come back in about two weeks to see Dr. Hsieh as a follow-up and Dr. Chui, an oncologist who will decide if the patient needs chemotherapy or not and if yes, how.


Again, thank you for keeping us in your praying vigil and reaching out to us with all sort of helps. May God richly blesses you.


Will keep you posted.



Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Mary 馬莉

Good News 好消息
  1. Mary can't show up in a better time while our patient struggles with bruises from hypodermic neddle punctures. (Can't believe she is a lung cancer patient (stage 3) and at the end of her chemotherapy) 同是肺癌病患的馬莉帶來了及時的問候和安慰
  2. Off IV drugs and pain killer today 點滴和止痛的嗎啡一概停了
  3. First poo after surgery, very important 上了一號,大事一件
Not So Good Ones 不是太好的事情

  1. Slightly low blood count - 9ish whereas normal value is about 12ish. Blood transfusion is ordered 血紅素略低,九點幾,正常值在十二左右。謝大夫讓輸血

  2. Bruises from hypodermic needle punctures, arms, hands and foot, yet can't get her vein. It hurts so much, our patient cries for mercy and doctor had to puts blood transfusion on hold. Poor girl 手臂手背,連腳也都戳過,紫一塊,青一塊仍是找不到靜脈,痛到求饒,輸血也只能作罷。

“For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but we have one who has been tempted in every way, just as we are—yet was without sin. Let us then approach the throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.” Hebrews 4:15-16

“ 因我們的大祭司並非不能體恤我們的軟弱。他也曾凡事受過試探,與我們一樣,只是他沒有犯罪。所以,我們只管坦然無懼的來到施恩的寶座前,為要得憐恤,蒙恩惠,作隨時的幫助。”希伯來書 4:15-16



Monday, June 7, 2010



She Is Well on Her Way of Recovery 一場虛驚

Except for a little false alarm of last night, our patient is well on her way of recovery. Her lung capacity has reached up to 1,750 ml today whereas that number was 2,000 ml before surgery.

除了昨晚的一場虛驚,我們的病患在穩步的恢復中。今天在呼吸訓練師面前,竟然一口氣能吸到1,750 毫升,術前也不過才 2,000 毫升而已。

Of course, she herself is very much encouraged by the comments and observations by Dr. Hsieh, medical professionals and nurses who come to check her out now and then. She is very motivated to walk and practice all the technics following the instructions by her breathing trainer.


She starts to eat rice porridges three times today with lots of pickled cucumbers and a slice of bread.


One may wonder what is about the false alarm of last night. Well, to lighten up the subject since many a time, it weights heavy in our hearts. Here is what happened Sunday.


Within 24 hours of surgery, her feet were on the floor and she started to practice breathing technics, aided by all those breathing apparatus. Everyone saw her was quite positive of the progress she made. However, she was getting anxious and complained that she got short breath, chest tightness and discomfort on left shoulder while she was assured by nurses again and again, those should be temporal and would all go away soon.


Then the hypodermic needle about her IV drugs shifted stemming from her hand movements,  hence the back of her hand with needle got swollen up. Very bad. The nurse was forced to switch the needle to different arm and then hand after few tries because her vein was the kind hard to spot and nail.


Starting late afternoon, say around 4:00 PM with aforementioned situations, she hit a panic button that she would be out of breath soon and won't survive the night if doctor didn't do something dramatic. The whole night this writer had to constantly bug the nurse on-duty to comfort her by telling her that she was fine. Then she ran to the bathroom very 15 min. towards the late part of the night so as to divert her attention about the shortness of her breath. Not sure if anyone could decipher this behavior. The tug of war ensued about 8 some hours. At the approach of midnight, either out of exhaustion or tricks to calm her down, Michael together with the nurse draw the last ultimatum by telling her that she shouldn't expect as smooth breathing as Michael whom had a full lung while 1/5 of her lung was gone, and worst came worst, even if she stopped breathing herself the night, the breather hooked up to her nostril would carry her through.


Not sure what hit her at that moment, the woman seized by some imaginative fears, came to realization she wasn't making sense at all and went back to sleep the rest of the night.


Otherwise this piece of update would be titled, Sleepless in Veteran Generals Hospital at Taipei. Thanks God, ours is a single room. Imaging what if we had a roommate. Our patient remains a very good girl most of the time nevertheless.


Sunday, June 6, 2010

Saturday, June 5, 2010

An Update 由手術室回到普通病房後···

Our patient came out of surgical ward at around 1:20 PM. Michael was summoned to greet her around 2:30 PM when she regained her conscience. Her mouth was stuck with a breathing tube. She was awake and all her signs were normal. She was slightly pale and a bit weak. Tears on the corner of her eyes, but she couldn't talk.

She spent another four hours in recovery room and they moved her back to her room when nurses were able to pull the tube off her mouth. No ICU.

This time she started to talk and little by little raised her voice every time. First she was barely wispering, then hers was audible but coarse. The level of pain killer administered was too strong and caused her headach. Evidently she was very bothered by the headach instead of the pain inflicted from the surgical wound. She was not herself at all and made a lot of fusses until an anethseastic was sent to drop her drug level to half. She then went to sleep almost immediately when Michael left her around 8:15 PM.

Dr. Hsieh came to check her out briefly and he seemed to be satisfied with the outcome of today's procedure.

She will start to practice breathing and start to walk inside the room tomorrow. Then maybe venture out further the day after tomorrow whereby she is very much encouraged to exercise her lung by walking and breathing what her strength allows. She looks suprisingly good with the appearance of her trademark rosie cheeks and all other vital signs of hers are fine and normal.

This Is It! 死陰的幽谷,又過了一關

I was called in to meet with Dr. Hsieh at 12:30 PM, about 4 hours after we parted with Eileen. (12:30PM),He waved me to a small room and motioned me to sit down. There he unfold Eileen's lung wrapped in a green surgical cloth and pointed to me where the tumor is, a whitish tissue about the size of a quarter. (Chuck says "Hyooo!" over the phone) When asked if Eileen is out in recovery room, I was told they're sewing up her surgical wound now and she should be out soon. Everything in about a mintue or so. I assume nothing out of order happened, otherwise I would have different story.


An emphatic YES! It's a great relief indeed.


"Unless the LORD builds the house, its builders labor in vain. Unless the LORD watches over the city, the watchmen stand guard in vain. In vain you rise early and stay up late, toiling for food to eat—for he grants sleep to [a] those he loves." Psalm 127:1-2 


My song at this moment.  這是本人此時的感受。

Thanks Be to Our God. Thank Dr. Hsieh and his team. Thank you all of your sustenant prayer.


手術中 Surgery on Progress

早上7:30藹玲準時進了手術室。7:30 AM on time, Eileen wheeled in the surgery ward. 因為害怕,離開病房到手術室的途中,我們的病人掩面哭泣。Out of fear and nervous, she sobbed on the way transferred to the ward.
大哥大嫂也來看侯,安慰。Older Brother and Sister-in-law all came to comfort and cheer her up.
本人則與其他家屬病患一起,目前坐在等候大廳的凳子上,不時地用禱告來等待。Like all the other families of patients who undergo surgery today, I'm sitting in the waiting area keeping up a praying vigil. 此時的心情很矛盾,既擔心緊張,又覺得放心有把握。Straddling on two conflicting feelings, I'm torn by worriness/anxiousness and confidence/ease at the same time.

Friday, June 4, 2010




Are You Ready

We're told around 5:30 PM today that Eileen will be wheeled in operation room at 7:30 AM tomorrow morning here in Taiwan. Dr. Hsieh told us he is under no particular pressure at all since Eileen will be his only patient on the day. He adds Sat. on his surgery calendar starting June. So it turns out that Eileen is his very first Sat. surgery patient.

According to the data, Eileen has an excellent lung reserve that gives the surgeon more assurance to take out the lower lobe of her left lung. Which means Eileen will give up about 22% of her lung capacity. And we're hopeful that the rest lungs will make up the difference overtime afterwards.

By the way, Dr. Hsieh doesn't plan to put her in the ICU after surgery. The surgery may take about half day, say she will be done by noon tomorrow. She may come back to current room to recover if everything goes fine tomorrow. Say, she may be out of the hospital in a week or so.  

Our patient is very, very nervous about tomorrow. May our gracious Lord comfort her in His own unique way when she is overcome by fear tonight. As a part of preparation, she will take a procedure to flush everything out of her whole intestine system at midnight tonight.


Thursday, June 3, 2010

We're Doing This All over Again

Dear All,

Eileen got in the hospital today at noon time. 藹玲於今日中午左右住進了胸腔外科病房。Dr. Hsieh stopped by her bed soon after. 謝大夫不久就到病房查房。It seems she is fit with excellent lung reserve which means the lower lobe of her left lung will be taken out to be preemptive, lest the tumor spreads further. 看來病人的肺功能不錯,言下之意,左肺下半葉要犧牲掉了。Pretty much an aggressive threatment to nip the bud. 所謂寧可錯殺三千不可放過一個。Please disregards what I wrote right after the visitation with Dr. Hsieh last week.看來上次看過謝大夫門診所寫的內容有誤。

Two major surgeries with only six weeks (one day short) apart, our patient is very nervous. 前後一個半月內兩個大手術,病人自然十分緊張。Well, "SCARED" is exact her word as a matter of the fact.怕怕!是病人的原話。

We got a 24 hours helper today. 我們已經請到24小時看護。An indonesia bride moved to Taiwan many years ago. 一位早年嫁到台灣的印尼新娘。More will be said about her next time. 容我們下次再介紹她。Pray that we get along well, cause' we're in dire need to have someone helping us out. 求神憐憫,讓我們能夠融洽相處,我們實在太需要一位幫手了。Otherwise Michael will go berzerk any time. 服侍病患的筆者已發生耐心危機。That's why Michael is all too happy to drop our patient off at the hospital today.今天到醫院裡打點好病人,筆者如釋重負。

Surgery is scheduled Sat. (6/5) 手術安排在兩天後的週六 (6/5)Details are to be worked out tomorrow afternoon according to Dr. Hsieh. 謝大夫說詳情要到明天下午才會揭曉。He seems to be a nice fellow, very different from Dr. Hsu, our brain surgeon. 謝大夫看來人不錯,只是與許大夫大不相同。His sentences are punctuated with few words and His type is not to elaborate as much.他的語言簡潔,話不多。

Michael's parents come tonight to help out at the house again. 筆者的父母今晚再次飛來幫忙照顧家裡。

Good night or day!平安!


