Sunday, June 27, 2010

What happens to Our Patient Lately... 藹玲近來如何?

Eileen came home for almost two weeks and we went to meet with Dr. 邱,Encologist (胸腔內科),Dr. 謝 Lung Surgeon (胸腔外科),Dr. 許, Brain Surgeon (腦神經外科) this past Wed. (June 23rd).


With the exception of pleural effusion (胸腔積水), she seems to be well on her recovery. For the pleural effusion, Dr. 謝 prescribes deep breathing excersice to expand the lung and Furosemide, Lasix, a drug to expell the fluid. We're prayful that the fluid is cleared by the time we see Dr. 謝 again next Wed. (Jun. 30th). Otherwise, our patient will be admitted to the hospital again to drain the excessive fluid. That sounds very dreary when she has already undergone two major surgeries.

除了胸腔有積水讓人擔心之外,各位都認為藹玲的恢復狀態不錯。至於胸腔積水,謝大夫除了開利尿藥外加囑咐用深呼吸擴張肺葉把積水擠出去。 若無見效,下週謝大夫也許要讓病患再住進醫院進行插管引流。兩次大手術下來,病人早已是談院變色。

Tumor EGFR DNA sequencing comes back confirming mutation. That means she has good chance responding to target medicine treatment (標靶藥物治療), such as Iressa or Tarceva whereas she can skip the morbid torture of chemotherapy. Other than low white blood cell count and many other horrible side effects, the major side effect we hear is acne or pimples. Well, our patient has yet to come out the shadow of two major surgeries and decide if she wants。


Where all about this mental stage are stemming from the influcence of Chinese medical belief that the patient's body is too weak to handle anything else now when just survived trauma events of multiple surgery and her energy (氣) is in such a low ebb. We'll see comes next Wed. when we meet Dr. 邱 again.


During the lung surgery, certain size of tube was inserted through her throat and that somehow hurted her larynx. She has yet to recover with lots of coughing.


Porridge with fish meat and ground beef is her major diet now.


Lot changes taking places in her body here and there to adapt. Our patient needs lots of encouragement to be lifted up...


1 comment:

  1. Michael:-
    Many thanks for the dramatic update. I confessed I do not have the capacity to feel or experience what you went through. The Lord God, the Holy One of Israel, must have given you the strength, the long suffering, to absorb all these. Praise His Holy Name!
    Lord, have mercy on us!
