Thursday, June 3, 2010

We're Doing This All over Again

Dear All,

Eileen got in the hospital today at noon time. 藹玲於今日中午左右住進了胸腔外科病房。Dr. Hsieh stopped by her bed soon after. 謝大夫不久就到病房查房。It seems she is fit with excellent lung reserve which means the lower lobe of her left lung will be taken out to be preemptive, lest the tumor spreads further. 看來病人的肺功能不錯,言下之意,左肺下半葉要犧牲掉了。Pretty much an aggressive threatment to nip the bud. 所謂寧可錯殺三千不可放過一個。Please disregards what I wrote right after the visitation with Dr. Hsieh last week.看來上次看過謝大夫門診所寫的內容有誤。

Two major surgeries with only six weeks (one day short) apart, our patient is very nervous. 前後一個半月內兩個大手術,病人自然十分緊張。Well, "SCARED" is exact her word as a matter of the fact.怕怕!是病人的原話。

We got a 24 hours helper today. 我們已經請到24小時看護。An indonesia bride moved to Taiwan many years ago. 一位早年嫁到台灣的印尼新娘。More will be said about her next time. 容我們下次再介紹她。Pray that we get along well, cause' we're in dire need to have someone helping us out. 求神憐憫,讓我們能夠融洽相處,我們實在太需要一位幫手了。Otherwise Michael will go berzerk any time. 服侍病患的筆者已發生耐心危機。That's why Michael is all too happy to drop our patient off at the hospital today.今天到醫院裡打點好病人,筆者如釋重負。

Surgery is scheduled Sat. (6/5) 手術安排在兩天後的週六 (6/5)Details are to be worked out tomorrow afternoon according to Dr. Hsieh. 謝大夫說詳情要到明天下午才會揭曉。He seems to be a nice fellow, very different from Dr. Hsu, our brain surgeon. 謝大夫看來人不錯,只是與許大夫大不相同。His sentences are punctuated with few words and His type is not to elaborate as much.他的語言簡潔,話不多。

Michael's parents come tonight to help out at the house again. 筆者的父母今晚再次飛來幫忙照顧家裡。

Good night or day!平安!




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