Monday, June 7, 2010

She Is Well on Her Way of Recovery 一場虛驚

Except for a little false alarm of last night, our patient is well on her way of recovery. Her lung capacity has reached up to 1,750 ml today whereas that number was 2,000 ml before surgery.

除了昨晚的一場虛驚,我們的病患在穩步的恢復中。今天在呼吸訓練師面前,竟然一口氣能吸到1,750 毫升,術前也不過才 2,000 毫升而已。

Of course, she herself is very much encouraged by the comments and observations by Dr. Hsieh, medical professionals and nurses who come to check her out now and then. She is very motivated to walk and practice all the technics following the instructions by her breathing trainer.


She starts to eat rice porridges three times today with lots of pickled cucumbers and a slice of bread.


One may wonder what is about the false alarm of last night. Well, to lighten up the subject since many a time, it weights heavy in our hearts. Here is what happened Sunday.


Within 24 hours of surgery, her feet were on the floor and she started to practice breathing technics, aided by all those breathing apparatus. Everyone saw her was quite positive of the progress she made. However, she was getting anxious and complained that she got short breath, chest tightness and discomfort on left shoulder while she was assured by nurses again and again, those should be temporal and would all go away soon.


Then the hypodermic needle about her IV drugs shifted stemming from her hand movements,  hence the back of her hand with needle got swollen up. Very bad. The nurse was forced to switch the needle to different arm and then hand after few tries because her vein was the kind hard to spot and nail.


Starting late afternoon, say around 4:00 PM with aforementioned situations, she hit a panic button that she would be out of breath soon and won't survive the night if doctor didn't do something dramatic. The whole night this writer had to constantly bug the nurse on-duty to comfort her by telling her that she was fine. Then she ran to the bathroom very 15 min. towards the late part of the night so as to divert her attention about the shortness of her breath. Not sure if anyone could decipher this behavior. The tug of war ensued about 8 some hours. At the approach of midnight, either out of exhaustion or tricks to calm her down, Michael together with the nurse draw the last ultimatum by telling her that she shouldn't expect as smooth breathing as Michael whom had a full lung while 1/5 of her lung was gone, and worst came worst, even if she stopped breathing herself the night, the breather hooked up to her nostril would carry her through.


Not sure what hit her at that moment, the woman seized by some imaginative fears, came to realization she wasn't making sense at all and went back to sleep the rest of the night.


Otherwise this piece of update would be titled, Sleepless in Veteran Generals Hospital at Taipei. Thanks God, ours is a single room. Imaging what if we had a roommate. Our patient remains a very good girl most of the time nevertheless.


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