Saturday, June 5, 2010

手術中 Surgery on Progress

早上7:30藹玲準時進了手術室。7:30 AM on time, Eileen wheeled in the surgery ward. 因為害怕,離開病房到手術室的途中,我們的病人掩面哭泣。Out of fear and nervous, she sobbed on the way transferred to the ward.
大哥大嫂也來看侯,安慰。Older Brother and Sister-in-law all came to comfort and cheer her up.
本人則與其他家屬病患一起,目前坐在等候大廳的凳子上,不時地用禱告來等待。Like all the other families of patients who undergo surgery today, I'm sitting in the waiting area keeping up a praying vigil. 此時的心情很矛盾,既擔心緊張,又覺得放心有把握。Straddling on two conflicting feelings, I'm torn by worriness/anxiousness and confidence/ease at the same time.

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