Saturday, April 5, 2014


剛剛看到今天早上(3/13/2014星期四)永強在Line 上的family group寫給大兒子的Line,才知永強的心情,他在我面前都表現那麼剛強,眼淚不禁流下。他用英文寫的大致如下,提到醫生說我堅持照正子掃瞄這件事,使他癌症不致更惡化,再來提到他要做化療和放療的療程及什麼時候做,和會有很大副作用,食道會吞嚥困難。他現在才覺得能正常吞嚥是多麼幸福。他告訴兒子,想起他二歲的時候,看到害怕的東西,就會怕怕,躲到我們懷中,我們緊緊擁抱他,他是那麼可愛。現在永強覺得他自己就像當時兩歳的兒子一,很害怕,想逃避這個治療,他一聽到醫生說治療過程,當時就很害怕,過了24小時了,仍然很害怕。一定要接受治療,只能用聖經經節安慰自己,羅馬書826-28,及腓立比書44-7。他告訴兒子他已經長大成熟,應該可以承擔這件事,所以和他分享,永強我們都不知道這件事為何發生,但他自己還好,要兒子堅強,告訴兒子,經過此事,兒子的信心會增加和變成更堅強的人。兒子告訴永強,他比任何時候更愛爸爸。因為要考物理期中考,考完試會儘快和爸爸聯絡,到此時,大兒子還沒有回音,永強很期待和兒子談話,不知如何說我看到這line的心情,要去好好擁抱永強。

永強3/13/2014 在Linefamily group寫給大兒子Reuben 要做化療及放射線治療的心情:
went to see my oncologist yesterdaythe same doctor looking after mommy last 4 yearsHe commanded we all should give mom the credit for her hunch to insist to get to the bottom of my PET scan shadows i would be still be sitting idle and let the cancer rapidly grow inside me if it weren’t for momthen we get down to the treatment plansigns from biopsy show cancer cells enter into my lympho and blood system hence an aggressive approach is concoctedboth chemo (12 weeks) and radiation (6 weeks) at the same time frame to stem out the cancer cellsthe downside is my body has to endure the poundinglikening a heavy bombardment to scourge every inch of the earth to wipe out ones enemy in the war zone

I am cautioned that my esophagus may be hurted by radiation that will affect my swallowing even my own salivalet alone getting food down through my food ductScare is my initial reaction and still it is 24 hrs after hearing the doctorIt reminds me of youReuben when you were barely twoWhen something frightened youyou would throw yourself into our embrace and cried"scary, scary" in your utterly cute way to enchant usTo respondwe would hold you tight and comfort you of our presence to shield you from the fearNow I am bit like that little frightened baby boy of you almost 20 years agoWanting run away from the treatmentNow I come to appreciate how much we take swallowing for grantedSwallow few gulps if you canReuben and you should salivate on itHow wonderful one can swallow crying aside one needs to press on if fighting off cancer is my goalWhich reminds me certain Bible verses
 In the same waythe Spirit helps us in our weaknessWe do not know what we ought to pray forbut the Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groansAnd he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spiritbecause the Spirit intercedes for God’s people in accordance with the will of GodAnd we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him,who have been called according to his purpose- Romans 8:26-28
Rejoice in the Lord alwaysI will say it again: Rejoice! Let your gentleness be evident to allThe Lord is nearDo not be anxious about anythingbut in every situationby prayer and petitionwith thanksgiving, present your requests to GodAnd the peace of God which transcends all understandingwill guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus- Philippians 4:4-7
ReubenI take you are mature enough to handle this so that I share this with youWe all do not know why all these happenbut it is well with meit is well with me
Be strong my boyYour faith will grow and you become a stronger person through this

Reuben answered:

Love you more than ever, dadMy Physics exam is closeso I'll get back to you as soon as I can

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