Monday, April 26, 2010



  • At 7:10 PM - After almost nine long hours, Eileen was wheeled out of surgery unit
  • At about 8:00 PM - Michael and her baby brother were summoned in to check her out. She barely woke from the drug effect, but awaken, barely whispered. She lifted her arms and legs fine, said, "she's comfortable."
  • At 9:10 PM - Eileen was transfered to ICU at neurosurgical centre. By this time, she could talk, weak yet above whisper level. She said to Michael, "I'm glad to see you." When told she looked fine and maintained her rosy cheek, a tid bit pale though, she followed with, "Thanks God and thanks Dr. Hsu." Asked why she was speaking English only all the time now. One wondered if Dr. Hsu altered her brain. She countered that English words were easier while Chinese sentences were a bit difficult now
  • Michael then read her few emails coming from brothers and sister to cheer her up. She drank small amount of soy milk and took her Epilepsy drug
  • We might be able to see Dr. Hsu to have him explain about the surgery tomorrow
This is one day, a very long one.

"The LORD bless you and keep you; the LORD make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you; the LORD turn his face toward you and give you peace."

Cole and Melissa came to stay in Wongs' place overnight with the boys while Michael stayed in Alan and Alice's (陳志宏 莫元樂)place in Taipei.


  1. Praise the Lord for such a smooth surgery.

    "The Lord God your God is with you.
    He is mighty to save.
    He will take delight in you.
    He will quiet you with His love.
    He will rejoice over you with singing."

    Zephaniah 3:17

  2. This is wonderful news! You're in my and the worship team's prayers every day and I'm so glad the Lord has been so giving this day. We will continue praying for a speedy recovery.
    Kind regards,
