Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Help Wanted

Someone to sleep in our place starting this Sunday for about 4 - 5 nights when Michael will need to be in the hospital until Eileen is ready to be discharged. Pray it won't be more than that or even shorter time for Eileen's speedy recovery
Families take turns to take Chuck in for few nights while Michael is away in Taipei starting this Sunday night.


  1. Elieen,

    我是育貞(Teresa),Jimmy(6th grade)的媽媽,也住安康社區,Jimmy去你們家玩過好幾次,不知這樣形容,可以讓你想起我是誰嗎??在妳住院期間,如果有需要,我可以為孩子們送晚餐(我天天都有煮晚餐,但是以中式為主,我不太會弄西式餐點耶!!),也可以晚上到你們家陪孩子們,只是無法過夜(我們家還有一個一年級的小女兒),但是CHUCK always 歡迎來住我家,他可以和Jimmy 睡同一個房間,早上可以一起去上學,等你出院回家,我可以煮湯給你喝哦!!為了孩子一定要加油,要挺過來,我們都為你禱告,有需要我幫忙的請隨時call我,(cell)0939288137,(H)6686485

  2. Dear Eileen and Michael,

    I've just heard from Ashley about your situation. Wish you a successful operation and a speedy recovery ! Our thoughts are with you always.

    David's Mom will be visiting us from LA on 4/25, so I am very sorry I am unable to have Chuck come over to stay with us. However, I will pass on your request to our fellow classmates.

    God Bless You !

    Anny & David
