Saturday, April 24, 2010

April 23rd (Friday)

April 23rd (Friday)
“Be strong and courageous. Be careful to obey all the law my servant Moses gave you; do not turn from it to the right or to the left, that you may be successful wherever you go. Do not let this Book of the Law depart from your mouth; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful.” 
Joshua 1:7-8
This was what came to our mind today.
AM - Eileen had her 3rd MRI today since check-in the hospital. This time she needed to inhale carbon dioxide to simulate tumor growth.
馮樹勻 from our cell group stopped by to check Eileen out when he had business in the vicinity area today, and whose wife, 沛芳 had been faithfully kept Eileen’s status updated in Chinese besides being there in care and praying support for Eileen and our family.
Five more moms from 10th grade came to cheer Eileen up and they were so modest that they didn’t want to be shown in this blog; three moms from 7th grade showed up. May our Lord remember your kindness and generosity, and reward you abundantly, mothers.

At the mean time, our patient’s appetite grew more voracious, she cleaned her meal plate every time.

Eileen’s roommate, Peichee would undergo a gamma knife treatment today and when we asked if we could pray for and with her together with her mother. Her eyes beamed with joy and gladness, and she readily accepted our invitation. We bade her to call on Jesus’ name whenever she felt scared or lonely. After many hours of anxious waiting, she was wheeled out for the treatment around 7:00 pm. Our Lord would be with her throughout and we looked forward to seeing her tomorrow morning.

We heard it somewhere in a sermon, it said, “there was no atheist in the trench at the battle field.” Today what we witnessed attested this true indeed.
PM - Pastor Robert Chang and his wife (張宰金牧師和師母) came to visit Eileen. What a sweet fellowship we had with our pastor of way-back many years ago when we worshipped at Main Line Chinese Christian Church, west suburb of Philadelphia, PA. At the end, we prayed for one another to supplicate each of our bodily weakness to the Lord on each’s behalf.
Through moms from 10th grade, we came to know 翁雅蘭, a mom from 10th grade was in the same hospital building undergoing a follow-up treatment of lung cancer. This time, our Lord shifted our focus from licking our own wounds and self pity to others that we could reach out. Eileen was urged to pray for her ever since this afternoon before we went down to 14th floor to meet her and her husband 庭魁 early evening. We were able to appreciate the pain and brokenness each had to endure when we swapped our stories. Still we comforted each other to cling on Jesus in this time of suffering while walking through the valley of the shadow of death.
Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.”
Joshua 1:9
Evening - After an eventful day, Eileen retired the day around 8:00 pm. She felt a bit exhausted, may be breathing little too much of  carbon dioxide earlier.

In their dance party attire, the boys came home around 10:30 pm. Happy yet tired. After scripture reading and a round of prayer, they too retired for the night, cause they needed to rise early tomorrow and go to Taipei to see their beloved mommy.

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