Friday, April 23, 2010

April 21st and 22nd

April 21st (Wed.)
AM - Chuck was late for school today since Michael turned off alarm clock and Reuben thought Dad would wake Chuck up since they slept in the same bed. And Chuck also missed his service project yesterday. Tough time for the younger boy.
At the same time, sitters for Chuck were arranged when Michael would stay in hospital round-the-clock starting this Sunday night. Again pray for a successful surgery and speedy recovery of Eileen so that we all could go home early.

Eileen took two tests - lung and heart today and no concern was raised from the medical team that said Eileen was as fit as a cucumber to undergo the surgery.
Evening - Melissa and Cole came. The dinner menu was chicken quesadilla. She put this and added this, out came the quesadilla and they tasted good, according to Chuck. And to keep the boys entertained, Cole could sync his muscle with the music of Jesus Loves Me This I Know. Now the parents were getting really jealous...
April 22nd (Thur.)
AM -  Michael’s parents called from Hong Kong and Michael’s octogenarian father wrote down his prayer on a piece of paper so that he would not be forgetful when praying with Eileen over the phone.
Eileen’s brothers and sister-in-laws all came.
More emails, phone calls and many more kindnesses in different forms and modes kept on pouring in.
Eileen went for a brain check. Nothing abnormal.
清玲姐 came. She was the one to listen to and comfort Eileen for hours over the phone into the late of the night when she was overcome by fear and left alone in the hospital the first night.  What a joy to see her again and  today Eileen was a changed person.
Then eight moms showed up from Reuben’s class. With them, there were gifts, cheer and loving care.
PM - Ms. Cheng, director and head nurse of surgical ward, who brought Eileen in this hospital came to check out Eileen. More encouraging and comfort words.
After having the room to herself for two days, Eileen got a new roommate before dinner. With common denominator both being brain tumor patients, she and Eileen hit off right away. She had had an even bigger tumor - 5 cm size and malignant one removed from this very hospital a year ago. She checked in today to undergo an operation of gamma knife tomorrow to take care of a 0.8cm regrowth tumor, of which was identified in her recent follow-up check-up.  The way she talked and carried herself as if to tell us she’s here to get a band-aid to fix a paper cut. Her calm and normality stoked up courage in Eileen to face her own ordeal. Besides, she shared with us perspectives and valuable experience about life after-surgery. Pray that she would have a successful operation tomorrow.
Evening - Dear Aunt Maylee came to look after the boys and she stayed on after until 10:00 pm.
The boys worked on their school project - cooking a dozen egg crepe for their Chinese class tomorrow. Reuben did the cooking while Chuck prepared a power point file and beat eggs as an assistant. The activity lasted into way-over-the-midnight while Michael was writing this update. Hope Chuck could get up on time came tomorrow morning. 

It's getting really late and Michael would post some pictures tomorrow or soon. Until then, good night or day.

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