Monday, April 26, 2010


When Michael got to the room from home around 8:30 am, Eileen was lying on her side and almost done her shaving. Elder Ben Wang, from our church in San Jose, stopped by to pray and cheer Eileen up, on his way returning back to the States while he just finished his short mission from China.

8:30AM - 永強和基督之家四家王紹湖長老早晨趕到病房時,藹玲側臥在病床上,頭已幾乎理光,她用餘光親切地叫了聲,"王長老“ 像是見到了久別的家人一般。 王長老到中國培訓,路經台灣,特地來看望我們的姐妹。不久後,英文部的牧師和師母也到了。進手術房前,有主內的牧長們一同為她禱告,代求,藹玲甚覺安慰,倍受鼓舞。

Eileen took her last shower and doned in operation gown. Then walked in Pastor Rockie Bronson and his wife, Rebecca. Eileen remained in good spirit. How endearing those prayers we had with Elder Wang, Pastor Rockie and Rebecca. And we knew there were many other kept pray vigil for us all over the places.

10:00AM - 在手術室等候時,藹玲的兄嫂和弟弟也分別趕到,約莫在10:20左右,她被送進手術間。目前仍在手術中 - 下午2:00

Not too long after, she was wheeled down to the operation room and admitted in around 10:20 am. As this update posted now, she remains in the surgery room  1:30 PM

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