Saturday, May 29, 2010

Surgery Is Likely to Be Next Sat. (June 5th)

We've been waiting for call from the hospital whole day today and it didn't happen. I'm afraid the surgery date is moved out to June 5th.

Our patience never quite loses her appetite. It was Vietnamese cuisine yesterday. Today is Thai. And ice cream or gelato in between. What should I put on table comes tomorrow? Indian or any other exotic food? I'm clueless. Oh, God help me!  Can't we just have beef noodle. Taiwan has the best one this world can offer.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Hello Again - 久違了。

Dear All, many have enquired through other venues when several days went by without new update.


Well, Dr. Hsieh (謝致政) met our patient in his office this afternoon. Here we are -


With results of tests and scans all point to lung, Eileen is in Dr. Hsieh's department now. He believes the benefit of getting rid off her cancer tissue by surgery. But there can be two to three alternatives depends on how good is her palmonary reserve. If excellent, the surgical with the aide of bronchoscopy means the excision will be more precise and the cut can be limited so that as much as her lung can be saved or if OK, the surgery ends up a lobectomy (removal of a lobe of her lung). Image living on 3/4 of one's lung for the rest of her life, Eileen will struggle with short of breath, no more heavy excercise and work. Or when the palmonary reserve is poor, Dr. Hsieh may skip the surgery at all and leave her with the only option - chemothrapy.


Depending on the availability of surgical slot, Eileen will either be admitted on this Sun. (May 30th) and have the surgery on next Tue. (June 1) or in hospital next Thur. (June 3) and surgery on Sat. (June 5).


What about chemotherapy? Our patient will undergo chemotherapy about a month after lung surgery if she is going to have a lung surgery after all.


Lots of information to gurgitate on. This is another day.

今天就先消化開刀的資訊吧, 別的下次再談。



Saturday, May 22, 2010



Friday, May 21, 2010

Home Sweet Home

Our patient gets home around 6:00 PM tonight. Last time this family were together in our house was about 5 weeks ago. There sure are lots of catch-ups to do before Eileen goes again to stay in the hospital late next week.

Eileen is in good spirit and remains good about her appetite, but are getting particular about her taste palette. This palette is rather fickle, say like she is having a morning sick all over again.

Thank you again readers for your sustaining prayers and generous acts of kindness. Will keep you posted of her status.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

To Chuck's Parents

Dear Chuck's parents, Michael & Eileen,

我是 Chuck 主日學老師,Esther Lee.

下學期,Chuck 將會在大堂崇拜,我將沒有機會再教導他,所以,我將在主日學課堂上,Chuck 的表現,來跟你們報告。

Chuck是班上最聰明,反應最快的孩子,是近乎天才的小孩。他喜歡被愛,被注重及被接納。他喜歡交朋友。最近因為媽媽生病,他又更成熟,是件很 blessing 的事,這也是我最願意看到他成功的地方。他接受了耶穌成為他個人救主,我盼望若有機會,請引導他受洗及重生。因Eileen生病,Chuck樂意禱告,而且也知道要禱告的事項,平常禱告總是最後一位安靜,但如今是第一個安靜下來的孩子,所以Eileen要加油,大家都在為你禱告。


Dear Eileen,
Chemotherapy/radiation is painful. 沒有人能與你同行but God. 他說他永不丟棄你,他以他慈愛的手扶持你。不能為你做什麽,只有禱告...。

Love in Him,
Esther Lee

A Time to Weep And A Time to Laugh 哭有時,歡笑有時。

Other than the grin afforded in the picture, our patient lies in her bed most of the day and barely eats.


Friday, May 14, 2010

Thank You, but No Thanks.

The number of call, text message and email continues everyday. Eileen and Michael are very touched by all these acts of kindness. They carry us thus far and cheer us up all along.

Nevertheless, a flu season is picking up recently according to the hospital, therefore we are advised to keep visitation down and give the patience time and space to rest from the stress of radiation treatment and brain surgical trauma. 

With your loving care, Eileen knows she need to stay strong. We want to say thank you in person someday when all these are over. Therefore, we appreciate it that one remember us in his/her prayer instead of visiting the patient in the hospital since many of you have to make extra efforts to travel all the way from Hsinchu to Taipei and return. May God bless your all.

Get Ready for the 2nd Run


PET, and CK-7 and CK-20 tumor markers all suggest pulmonary origin of lung cancer.

Like he always do, Dr. Hsu sat down with us again early today to go through PET scan images and explained to us the interpretation of PET scan confirm lung cancer while no other lesions detected elsewhere.

This patient will be discharged from Neurosurgical Ward next Friday and come back to visit Dr. Hsieh, Pulmonary Surgical Department on May 26th, then be admitted to Pulmonary Surgical Ward within a day or two and prepare for a lung surgery on June 1st (Tues.)

We're told this time to prepare to stay in ICU a lot longer, say 2 - 3 days at least and it might take longer time to heal the surgical wound while enduring much sharp and excruciating pain when it is about lung this time.

The story doesn't end here. Once the patient is ready, she will undergo the much talked about chemotherapy flushing her whole system to stamp out the cancer cells of which might have spread inside her body.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Haagen-Dazs 英雄本色

A pint of Haagen-Dazs, rum raisin flavor, all done in 10 min. If a picture is worth a thousand words, this photo essay is about 4,000+ words long.


Wednesday, May 12, 2010

搬家囉!藹玲換到十號病床 We've Moving!

今天傍晚接到通知 - 單人房有空位。藹玲從今晚起搬到同樓層的十號病床 (173-10)

We've moved. Now Eileen is in Bed # 10, the same ward - 173 or 173 - 10

電話 Tel. 02 2871 2121 Ext. 6549 分機

藹玲今天幾乎整日臥床,7A 和 7B 的七八位媽媽們來時,都沒法與大家交談一句。食慾不振。

Our patient is bedridden the whole day today. She couldn't even receive the mothers coming from 7A and 7B. She lost her appetite.


The praying band from Chaplian's office came to visit us and pray with and for Eileen.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Chapter 2 Stage 4 Lung Cancer 第二章 肺癌第四期



Eileen started the day upbeat. After her quiet time, first came Michael's parents, then Eileen's mom brought by Ben, her baby brother and Rita, his wife, and last came Grace Yu, Elder Yu's wife from our church in Hsinchu. A wonderful time with family and sweet fellowship with a sister with whom she confides often. It was 1:00 PM by the time Grace left the ward.


3:00 PM the dreadful time came to pay her due, going to the basement for her fifth radiation treatment. Nevetheless, it's comfort to know one time less after every treatment, it will be done by next Thursday, Hallelujah!


4:00 PM Dr. Hsieh came, our lung surgeon with his assitance. When enquired about how seriouse 1.3cm size lesion in her lung is . The answer came, 'regardless the size, once the tumor is a metastesis one, it is in its stage 4.' As far as lung surgery is concerned, it seems premature to discuss at this time while it depends on how well the patience rehabilitate from current brain surgery. We will need to come back to visit Dr. Hsieh in another two weeks. Nevertheless, chemotherapy is inevitable. 

下午四點,,藹玲的胸腔外科醫師謝致政大夫帶著助理應約來病房探視。當問及謝大夫 1.3cm 的肺部腫瘤有多嚴重,謝大夫告知我們,腫瘤不在大小,擴散了就是第四期;至於治療方面,肺癌切割手術要看藹玲腦部手術後的恢復,最早也要等一兩個禮拜後再說(術後起碼一個月的時間),化療是不可避免的。

"Survivalbility" instead of "curability" is medical profession's jargon while "survivalbility" sounds rather negative in its Chinese translation, to us at least. This, in turn, weighted our hearts down, like falling from few floors. We're left to wonder what stage 4 actually mean in layman's terms in the wake of Dr. Hsieh's departure.


Treatment details need to wait and "survivalbility" is just too scary to comtemplate. Well, then let's switch the subject. Dr. Hsieh agreed to a PET/CT Scan, scheduled Thursday afternoon. Also Lung tumor marker tests, CK20 and CK7 were ordered. 

好吧,既然這壺不開,我們提另一壺吧。謝大夫同意病人住院期間照正子掃描 (PET/CT Scan)。時間排在本週四下午。肺癌指標CK20CK7正在檢驗中。

May our patience sleep tight tonight.


"When times are good, be happy; but when times are bad, consider: God has made the one as well as the other.
Therefore, a man cannot discover anything about his future." Ecclesiates 7:14


園區媽媽小組 - 美伶、秋蘭、名慧、翊純 探望藹玲

星期一上午我們一行四人,到台北榮總探望藹玲(在17樓), 她是實驗雙語部10年級的媽媽,

姊妹們亦可打電話關心她,為她代禱:榮總總機 (02)2871-2121 藹玲病房分機#5947

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mother Day 母親節

Our hero,Dr. Hsu - 青年才俊,許秉權大夫

As mother's day gift, Dr. Hsu went through all the recent  checks and exams with and explained to us in details. Long story short, we traded a lung tumor (highly suspective of primary one) for a high grade brain tumor. The odd of survivalbility of former is much better. Nevertheless, we're not out of the woods yet. The fight ensues.


充電的母親節 Recharge
第一道菜 - 排骨面 First Course - Noodle Soup with Spare Rib
第二道菜 - 小籠包 Second Course - Dim Sum
第三道菜 - 炒豆苗 Third Course - Stir Fry of Mung Bean Seedling
第四道菜 - 肉粽 Sticky Rice Dumpling with Pork
甜點 - 意大利冰淇淋 Gelato

Our patient is dreadful of radiation treatment, yet we're reminded, "Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." Let's eat and be merry.

老實說, 一想到(放射)治療就害怕。但是耶穌說,“所以,不要為明天憂慮,因為明天自有明天的憂慮;一天的難處一天當就夠了。” 不吃白不吃。

Friday, May 7, 2010

The Verdict Is Delivered

Dr. Hsu delivers the diagnosis of his colleagues in respiratory department - lung cancer and he will hand our case over to them now.  Mammogram eliminates breast cancer.

The Act I of this blog is about to close and we're to embark on the next chapter. Eileen and I are ever so grateful of your supplication to the Lord on our behalf and acts of kindness. May our Lord richly bless you for what you have done unto us, ones of the little ones. Yet, it's our plea, please remain vigilant and do not cease to pray for Eileen and this family.

"You hem me in - behind and before; you have laid your hand upon me.
Such knowledge is too wonderful for me, too lofty for me to attain" Psalm 139:5

"The Lord will fulfill his purpose for me; your love, O Lord, endures forever -
do not abandon the works of your hands." Psalm 138:8

Thursday, May 6, 2010

New Coiffure 新頭飾

A gift of kindness, a pass-down from a friend who went throught the similar ordeal 一位短暫相識的朋友,將自己過去治療時曾經用過的頭飾轉贈給藹玲

The toll of radiation starts to weight in. Eileen feels sleepy constantly and her appetite is not as good, but that doesn't drop a hint she catches the anorexia bug. She is not anywhere near that category. She still eats, but just not as hearty.

Colonoscopy comes back negative. Mammogram result has yet to come. And technically she can be discharged from the hospital now. To be vigilant Dr. Hsu believes she'd bettter stay for the time being and even if she will need to undergo another surgery or two to remove tumor lesion(s) from her lungs or breasts when identified as primary one, she needs to wait a month from this brain surgery to be physically ready to say the least.

She washes her head first time after the surgery.

5/6 eileen 近況分享



Grantparents come to help out from Hong Kong

Michael takes the chance to ask his parents to fly over from Hong Kong to help him out. The reason being that Michael's dad is over eighty, senile and frail. Pray that grandprants stay healthy and adjust to the life here in Taiwan fine. Hope the boys enjoy grandma's cooking and pampering.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Radiation treatment starts today

Each treatment lasts about 10 min. and she will undergo the treatment for next 12 days while taking break on weekends. Effect of radiation is already felt while she begins to feel certain discomfort right below her ears and behind her cheeks. Pray that she will sustain the treatment well.

By His Wounds We Are Healed

Pastor Rockie Bronson administered the communion by the bedside Tuesday. What a privelidge to break the bread and take the cup in rememberance of our Lord even in sickness.

Post Surgery Tests and Checks Done and Will Be Done

  • Tumor markers (no abnormality)
  1. CEA
  2. AFP
  3. CA-125
  4. CA-19-9
  5. CA-153
  • Abdomen ultrasound (no abnormality)
  • Gallium tracer (spots on chest, suspect of tumor lesions of breast, breast mammogram is ordered tomorrow.)
  • Pap test (cervical smear) - result available in few days
  • Pelvic ultrasound - cysts found but not malignant
  • Chest CT Scan - 1.3cm size spot found in her chest right behind her heart, doctors want to decide what to do based on the result and interpretation of Gallium tracker
  • Colonoscopy check is due tomorrow
  • Mammogram check is due tomorrow
  • PET (Positron Emission Tomography), not necessary at this stage

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

When the dog bites, when the bee stings, when I'm feeling sad...

Three Moms from Mom's Fellowship (園區媽媽小組) brought much uplifting joy to the patience in waiting

Roommate No.1 came back to cheer Eileen up.

Ben, Eileen's twin brother

Buddies in Oncology Ward 戰友

Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens
Bright copper kettles and warm woolen mittens
Brown paper packages tied up with strings
These are a few of my favorite things

Cream colored ponies and crisp apple streudels
Doorbells and sleigh bells and schnitzel with noodles
Wild geese that fly with the moon on their wings
These are a few of my favorite things

Girls in white dresses with blue satin sashes
Snowflakes that stay on my nose and eyelashes
Silver white winters that melt into springs
These are a few of my favorite things

When the dog bites
When the bee stings
When I'm feeling sad
I simply remember my favorite things
And then I don't feel so bad

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Waiting 安息日的等待

Another day of waiting.

Amidst the waiting, James and Jean (興政,侶君), our would-be pastor couple gave us a pleasant surprise, coming back to Taiwan during their seminary school break from Boston.

A Day of Downcast

Chuck spent two nights with Eugene and Eugene's mom took good care of him. His staff got well organized.
Remarks came from Ms. Candy from his class are also encouraging that his class participation and schoolworks are fine.
Friday night he went to sleepover at Sidney's place.

He went to hospital with Michael today and was taken aback when he first spotted mommy at the hospital main lobby, even though Michael had prepared him beforehand by showing him Eileen's post surgery pictures.

Reuben is pretty much on his own and takes good care of himself. He is working on his AP exam - environmental science now. Only he needs to get the garage door closed every time he leaves the house. Our Lord is patient and merciful that He didn't allow thieves to ransack our house while Reuben offered them chance three times over the course of last two weeks.


Pastor Chang, Robert came again to visit Eileen and pray for and with us today.

Shady's parents showed up too, what a pleasant surprise.


With tumor markers and ultrasound show no particular omen, result of today's Gallium scan won't be available until Monday. No explicit clue points us to where the cancer's origin is. We're getting anxious. Our human nature prevails for the moment, and the waiting is killing us. Eileen is quiet today and downcast. Everyday is a challenge.

She is scheduled to undergo chest CT scan on Monday and colonoscopy Wed. (PAP) Cervical smear test too soon.

Dr. Hsu also prepares Eileen that she will undergo chemotherapy soon, on top of the radiation therapy which may take place in about a week or so. Dr. Hsu tends to believe the trouble starts in her reproductive organ. If identified, his opinion is to totally remove the troubled part as quickly and completely as possible lest the cancerous cells spread out of control...