Sunday, May 2, 2010

A Day of Downcast

Chuck spent two nights with Eugene and Eugene's mom took good care of him. His staff got well organized.
Remarks came from Ms. Candy from his class are also encouraging that his class participation and schoolworks are fine.
Friday night he went to sleepover at Sidney's place.

He went to hospital with Michael today and was taken aback when he first spotted mommy at the hospital main lobby, even though Michael had prepared him beforehand by showing him Eileen's post surgery pictures.

Reuben is pretty much on his own and takes good care of himself. He is working on his AP exam - environmental science now. Only he needs to get the garage door closed every time he leaves the house. Our Lord is patient and merciful that He didn't allow thieves to ransack our house while Reuben offered them chance three times over the course of last two weeks.


Pastor Chang, Robert came again to visit Eileen and pray for and with us today.

Shady's parents showed up too, what a pleasant surprise.


With tumor markers and ultrasound show no particular omen, result of today's Gallium scan won't be available until Monday. No explicit clue points us to where the cancer's origin is. We're getting anxious. Our human nature prevails for the moment, and the waiting is killing us. Eileen is quiet today and downcast. Everyday is a challenge.

She is scheduled to undergo chest CT scan on Monday and colonoscopy Wed. (PAP) Cervical smear test too soon.

Dr. Hsu also prepares Eileen that she will undergo chemotherapy soon, on top of the radiation therapy which may take place in about a week or so. Dr. Hsu tends to believe the trouble starts in her reproductive organ. If identified, his opinion is to totally remove the troubled part as quickly and completely as possible lest the cancerous cells spread out of control...

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