Thursday, May 27, 2010

Hello Again - 久違了。

Dear All, many have enquired through other venues when several days went by without new update.


Well, Dr. Hsieh (謝致政) met our patient in his office this afternoon. Here we are -


With results of tests and scans all point to lung, Eileen is in Dr. Hsieh's department now. He believes the benefit of getting rid off her cancer tissue by surgery. But there can be two to three alternatives depends on how good is her palmonary reserve. If excellent, the surgical with the aide of bronchoscopy means the excision will be more precise and the cut can be limited so that as much as her lung can be saved or if OK, the surgery ends up a lobectomy (removal of a lobe of her lung). Image living on 3/4 of one's lung for the rest of her life, Eileen will struggle with short of breath, no more heavy excercise and work. Or when the palmonary reserve is poor, Dr. Hsieh may skip the surgery at all and leave her with the only option - chemothrapy.


Depending on the availability of surgical slot, Eileen will either be admitted on this Sun. (May 30th) and have the surgery on next Tue. (June 1) or in hospital next Thur. (June 3) and surgery on Sat. (June 5).


What about chemotherapy? Our patient will undergo chemotherapy about a month after lung surgery if she is going to have a lung surgery after all.


Lots of information to gurgitate on. This is another day.

今天就先消化開刀的資訊吧, 別的下次再談。



1 comment:

  1. Dear Eileen,
    The prayer meeting in FMLC (曙光教會) will continuously pray for your healing and recovery. May our dear Lord's mighty healing power and overflowing grace be with you always.
    Jennifer and Ben
